August 1, 2024

How to be what I already am...


When my first child was born, I became a mother. I acted like a mother, never once thinking that I was the former person without a child. Even if that happened, this little hungry and helpless person reminded me of my new status.

When I became a Christian, God gave me a new nature. At that point, I had a new status, but unlike being a mother, I continually struggled to act like that new person. I constantly forgot what I now had in Christ. My only reminders came through reading the Bible and having edifying fellowship with other Christians. Without that and the work of the Holy Spirit, it was easy to drop back into thinking as I always had, and living out those old habits. This is why the NT says:
But I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh. For the desires of the flesh are against the Spirit, and the desires of the Spirit are against the flesh, for these are opposed to each other, to keep you from doing the things you want to do. (Galatians 5:16–17)
Walking in the Spirit requires only two things on my part: confessing known sin, and asking God to fill me with Himself. After that, all the attitudes and desires of my heart come from Him. He gave me the mind of Christ to think as He thinks, and the Spirit to work in me like a hand in a glove so doing His will becomes a way of life — not a continual sense of ‘I must do this…’ The Bible calls it “abiding in Christ” and this brings wonderful freedom. It cannot happen to those who determine to run their own life or even play a part in their salvation. This is the Lord’s doing, not mine.

There was a time after meeting Christ when I knew what I should be doing or thinking, but it was not happening. I could not choose the right way to live — and had to learn to yield to the Spirit. He supplied and secured the steadfast obedience I sought after; it was not my determination, only my confession of not being able. It was like I could not act like a mother unless I became a mother.

All that God wants is given to His children in the work of Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit. That old nature cannot do it, even choose it, apart from His grace. Today’s reading says our problem is lack of consecration or lack of trust, yet both of these are given to us in Christ in our redemption.

The reading also says that it is not the strength of our enemies or our own weakness that causes us to fall. Not sure what is meant by “our own weakness” but I do know my weakness is human pride that rises up to try and rule my life rather than letting the Lord take me where He wants me to go. I’m my own worst enemy in that my old life thinks I can do well without Him. It is total foolishness when compared with the wonder of Almighty God and what He can do in a person who has Him in their heart. Like a mom cannot ignore her new baby, He does not ignore His children.

PRAY: Jesus, You make the Christian life possible, just as You make becoming a mother possible. I need You to be saved and to walk in Your Spirit. I need You to expose the desires of the flesh, particularly because they often seem like noble desires. However, You say: “Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.” (Psalm 37:4) This is so true — the more I delight in You, the more You pour into me the desires of Your heart, far better than my old desires, no matter how good they might seem. How amazing is Your grace!

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