March 9, 2024

When faith is attacked…


Faith follows facts and emotions are the caboose. If emotions pull the train of my spiritual life, then God often feels so far away that He cannot possibly know or understand my needs and pays no attention to my pleas. I say ‘often’ because His presence and actions and answers to prayer can often be so spectacular that I wonder why I even doubted Him. Of course it is better to let facts pull the train of life.

This is why the illustration of the train says faith fuels the facts. It is not merely the presence of facts, or that I read and know what God says about Himself. This is about believing them, knowing that God exists, hears my cries and is who He says He is. What if faith falters? What do I do when my assurance is attacked? How do I keep faith focused and trusting rather than letting emotions or anything else distract me and start thinking, ‘Is this really true’?

The answer is always Jesus. While some say He never existed, even the most skeptic of historians have ceased to do that and no longer question that He was an historical person. A figment of someone’s imagination does not change lives for thousand of people over thousands of years. A book of fiction claiming to be the true Word of God does not last on the best seller list if the author and central character is a fraud.

Even those who do not agree or commit themselves to Jesus Christ acknowledge that His message and life have power. Someone recently told us of a podcaster who is not a Christian hosted a professing atheist on his podcast. Both agreed that all countries in the world were far better off when their population was mostly Christian. This speaks to the power of the gospel and the reality of the One that died and rose again. Facts pulling faith.

When my feelings waver and God seems to be fiction, I think about Jesus. He said things so contrary to how we humans think and did things that startled, challenged, and changed the religious ideas of even the most religious. His ability to control the weather, illness, even to change water into wine, makes Him unique. He is human yet He is God? There is no other explanation for Jesus.

My emotions cannot turn God into a puppet pulled by the strings of what I think and feel. He is not controlled by me — and if He was, then I would be God. That thought is so absurd, but I’m not laughing. I know who and what I would be like if that were true. The world would look like my desk does most of the time — total chaos. And if that isn’t enough, this generation has largely said NO to God and Jesus Christ and many are doing whatever humans want to do — and we have total chaos. It seems God is saying, “You want to live without facts pulling your train, then this is what happens.”

My emotions and the selfish desires of many are capable of making a mess of things, but that does not negate the existence and sovereignty of God. Only He has the audacity to claim this:
And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose. For those whom he foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, in order that he might be the firstborn among many brothers. (Romans 8:28–29)
All things? Even chaos? He is doing exactly that — using the chaos to draw millions to trust Him, right down to my own life being changed by the stuff that makes me feel helpless. Even the results of trusting myself show me how little I know about being my own god. This God and His facts are worthy to be at the front of my life.

PRAY: Jesus, trusting You and the truth about You is the best way to live, and keeping feelings in their place means that instead of fear, hatred, and other emotions influencing how I live, You give me a deep joy that continually rises to the surface and lovingly pushes faith to follow those facts along with an overwhelming joy that overcomes my selfish ideas and feelings and gives me a deep desire to live as Your facts tell me to live…
Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. (Romans 12:2)

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