March 26, 2024

All to Jesus — 100%

The last few months, when time permits and inclination hits, I’m decluttering or purging areas of our home and lifestyle. When first starting this, I had practical motivations. For instance, all our family photos were in a jumble of albums or in boxes. They are now sorted in containers labeled with the name of who will want them. This saves my children a mountain of work when I’m gone.

Not only that, it makes me feel pounds lighter and deeply joyful. Just cleaning out the kitchen refrigerator has the same effect. So also does the Christian discipline of keeping short accounts with God.

To put this another way, I’m considering what is true about the Christian experience that has no comparison in any other realm — just this: When I yield/give up/purge all my rights and wants, then I feel lighter/am joyful. In other words, when I lose, I win.

This means than an entire surrender to the Lord and perfect trust in Him results in victory over sin and inward rest of soul — characterized by releasing our burdens to the Lord and letting him manage our lives instead of trying to do it ourselves. This is like purging the house; it gives the same sense of lightness and joy, only much deeper.

Many Christians do not realize that our biggest burden is just that — me, my way, and trying to do it myself. What headaches come because I try to solve all my problems, reach all my goals, do everything and anything in my own strength. In laying off my burdens, the first one the Lord wants me to get rid of is that old nature, that self with all its temptations, temperament, all circumstances, contrary feelings, and all my inward and outward experiences that focus on what I want or try to do. When these are yielded into the care of God, and left there, I experience the same freedom and release as decluttering a messy cupboard.

I once told a younger Christian that I prayed for parking places in crowded areas. He mocked me saying that God give me brains and I could find a place to park without bothering Him with trivia. This fellow didn’t understand that the freedom of trusting the Lord in little things makes it much easier to put faith in Him for all things.
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths. Be not wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord, and turn away from evil. It will be healing to your flesh and refreshment to your bones. (Proverbs 3:5–8)
In years of reading Scripture, I’ve noted the importance of the word ALL. It is used two times in these verses and tells me that praying for a parking place is included in what I should trust the Lord for. He sometimes whispers things like “turn left here” when my old nature could not see the empty spot that would open up right where I needed it and just when I turned. He knows what I don’t know.

Most of us think we know how to do things, particularly the habitual. Who prays about what to cook for supper or for energy to wash dishes when they have done it for more than sixty years? Read again that instruction from God. It says “in ALL my ways” — meaning everything I do. For me, it is not practice that makes perfect but learning to ask and acknowledge God before doing anything. I’m not there 100% but have learned enough that this is the way to have refreshed bones!

PRAY: Jesus, the answers to prayer this week have both astonished and humbled me. I’ve prayed for a changed attitude in someone whose phone calls I dreaded, and am now being blessed by the those calls. I’ve prayed for a cult member who now honors Christ and shocks me with the differences that are obvious in his words and actions. I’ve asked You to lift the discouragement in a teen and bless him; he is now joyful AND being baptized this Sunday. Prayer goes up daily for our big family reunion plan and the family is helping and being blessed in renewed relationships months before the event will happen, an event that was Your idea in the first place. Forgive my resistance to the role You handed me for this huge event. You did say all my heart and all my ways. Again, I’m a slow learner, yet You are quick to bless, relentless in Your quest to change me and wrestle with me until ALL truly is given into Your care. Wow, You are a wonderful God!

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