March 2, 2024

Always the Same

Myself and two other women met on Thursday to pray. Most of our time together was marked with praise. God had answered our prayers for several people and we rejoiced. During that time, one person’s phone rang. It was her husband. He’d heard so many answers to prayer that morning that he had to call and tell her. On my way home, I was filled with joy and humbled by the incredible goodness of God.

Today’s devotional offers the observation that Christians who experience a morning like that can see wisdom, strength, or spiritual riches of one kind or another in which to glory. But when we come down from this “high” into ordinary life, these thoughts vanish as if we had nothing left to glory in. As I read that statement, my reaction was mixed. If I am rejoicing in only the good times and what I can see, is not my focus off God and more about the pleasant blessings He bestows and the comfort of His care rather than the reality that He is good all the time — even when I cannot see it?

When the disciples were out on a boat with Jesus, He was asleep and they were afraid they would drown. Before they started this voyage, He told them they were “going to the other side” but they seemed to have forgotten that, and did not think that He the has power to get them where He told them they would go.

This is what the Christian life is filled with — days and times of total uncertainty. Our situation and feelings go up and down, but that does not mean that our God is bouncing us on a yoyo string. In all of the ups and downs, I am learning that He is unchangeable. What we call “spiritual blessings” are not the same, at least unchangeable to my vision, but they ought to be like that in my theology. Truth pulls the train, faith follows — then emotions. If I let emotions take the lead, then when prayers go unanswered and life is full of uncertainties, my faith falters and what happens to truth? It gets shoved into a corner and I need a rebuke, or a pointed sermon, or some discerning soul to give me (and those emotions) a good boot back to where I should be thinking.
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. (Hebrews 13:8)
Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change. (James 1:17)
If joy is lost, then I’ve forgotten that my joy is in the truth about God. Life may seem as if all is lost except the desire to have my comforts return, yet God is still with me, and still the same as when I am aware and focused on His goodness. He didn’t move; I did.

I’ve had aches and pains this week, partly related to a cold snap that aggravates these old muscles and bones. This is a distraction from the goodness of God. Why do we tend to relate that to our health? Most of the prayer requests we hear are about health. While I understand the desire to feel good, might I be better to pray for an increased focus on the Lord who never changes? He is still sovereign, still loves me, still using all things for my good — to transform me into the image of His Son. That should make me overflow with joy all the time.

PRAY: Lord, I’ve no idea what the day will bring, but ask that You will allow me to focus on You and Your unchanging goodness and find joy in that. May You be the delight of life, a delight that can look beyond aches and pains, unanswered prayer, and any other discomfort that might come along. Use all things, as You say You will do, to change my life and to be stedfast and faithful to You, just as You are to me.


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