October 26, 2019

God’s Mysterious Ways

Wednesday began with a serious nosebleed. As I tried to stop it, a strange thought entered my head; Jesus bled and died for the sin of the world and I am to identify with Him. I cannot bleed and die for the sins of others, so what possible reason could the sovereign Lord have for this?

Hubby took me to the ER where I waited less than a couple minutes and was taken to a bed. They could not stop the bleeding so packed my sinuses. Unless anyone has had this done, it is hard to describe the pain involved. They sent me home and told me to endure until Saturday if I could. By Friday morning, I couldn’t take any more. The painkiller they gave me only numbed me enough that I could sleep. The sinus headache from having them blocked was awful. So back to the ER.

This time, without profuse bleeding, we had to wait. The nurse said, “We will triage you shortly” meaning they would assess the urgency of my condition to decide the order of treatment” which is how hospital emergency rooms operate. Lots of patients. A few hours. It appeared I’d been forgotten. I felt bad too because in all this, I’d not been praying very much.

After some time, a young woman came in and had been assessed, but nothing was done for her after that. She was in horrible pain and crying with her head in her hands. (The father of her unborn child punched her in the stomach and she was having a miscarriage.) 

I moved beside her and asked if she needed a hug. A few moments later, I asked her name and if I could pray for her. She nodded and I did, asking God to quickly deal with her need for a bed and for several obvious things. She had waited far too long. As I had my arm around her, the nursing station people noticed. One came over, said they were still without a bed for her, apologized for forgetting me, took me to triage and registration (took about 5 minutes or less). I came back, this young woman was now looking up and saying, “Help me, Lord.” Just then, a nurse came with a wheelchair; God answered quickly. As she left, she mouthed, “Thank you.” And at that moment I realized why I had this terrible nosebleed.

In the OT, the bloody sacrifices point to Jesus, the ultimate sacrifice for sin. They were only as good as the faith behind their offering . . .

For since the law has but a shadow of the good things to come instead of the true form of these realities, it can never, by the same sacrifices that are continually offered every year, make perfect those who draw near. Otherwise, would they not have ceased to be offered, since the worshipers, having once been cleansed, would no longer have any consciousness of sins? But in these sacrifices there is a reminder of sins every year. For it is impossible for the blood of bulls and goats to take away sins. (Hebrews 10:1–4)

Human bloodshed can save lives; ask any war veteran, even any blood donor. But this time God used it to get me where He wanted me to be so I could comfort and encourage a poor soul who was suffering and needed Him to answer the cries of her heart. I am very thankful and extremely emotional as I again realize — in just a small way — the sacrifice of Jesus for my sin and the sin of the world.

Jesus, only You can make plans and do things that work out like this. I still feel ‘full in the head’ but even more, ‘full in the heart’ for You are a caring loving God. You gave Yourself to take care of the world and You put on me a load I can bear to help someone with an unbearable burden. As I continue to pray for her, I know that her life is in Your capable hands.

Today’s thankful list . . .
- the power of God to use all things for good in my life.
- the skill of ENT doctors who know how to deal with nosebleeds.
- that first doc who used humor and knowledge to help me relax.
- that second doc who had played rugby (my latest interest) and had his nose packed, so comforted me with words he knew I needed to hear.
- my hubby who waits on me in every way.
- being able to sleep even with sinuses that will take a long time to clear out.
- that God showed me His purpose in this strange event.
- that He answered quickly the prayers for this woman in great distress.
- today a visit from our grandson and his family.

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