June 11, 2024

Cause and Effect

If I eat too much salt, my feet swell. If I watch violent movies, I might have nightmares. Today’s reading reminds me that God is not punishing me, only showing me the consequences of foolish choices. The world and the human psyche work in certain ways. He knows that and tells us to live accordingly. He is not saying ‘My way or the highway’ but ‘do this and live well’ because He wants the best for us. The devotion writer puts it this way:
If a man eats unsuitable food, he will have indigestion. An ignorant person may say that it was the wrath of God that brought on his indigestion, but we who understand the laws of health know that his indigestion is simply the result of the unsuitable food he has eaten. Similarly the sickly spiritual condition of so many Christians is not, as they sometimes think, a direct infliction of God’s displeasure but is simply and only the necessary consequence of the unsuitable and indigestible spiritual food on which they have been feeding.
Good parents think like this. If we know the ‘rules’ of nutrition and the effects of suitable food, we feed our kids a balanced diet, not candy, pop, and potato chips. They might want those things and some children throw temper tantrums at the checkout when mom will not grant them a treat from the shelves beside the till, but the child who trusts mom’s judgment is okay with a loving NO. This is how I am supposed to respond to the will of God, even the parts that restrict my I-wants and tell me that I cannot indulge. Does He not know what is best for His creation?
O Lord, you have searched me and known me! You know when I sit down and when I rise up; you discern my thoughts from afar. You search out my path and my lying down and are acquainted with all my ways. Even before a word is on my tongue, behold, O Lord, you know it altogether. You hem me in, behind and before, and lay your hand upon me. Such knowledge is too wonderful for me; it is high; I cannot attain it. (Psalm 139:1–6)
Of course His knowledge is too wonderful for me and I cannot attain it. My IQ and all the advice and research done in the world does not even come close to the intimate knowledge of God concerning every person on earth. He knows what I need and knows what will harm me. My part is like the child who trusts mom when she says NO.

We left on holidays just over a week ago. The Lord put it in my head to stop eating desserts and other sugary food during this time. I have a sweet tooth that I blame on habit; growing up on a farm, we always had dessert. However, I sensed this was God's idea and good for me. The surprise? Despite eating in restaurants and lots of visuals with sweet stuff, I have not had any desire to eat it. This is the power of God for my good.

The same principle helps with shopping. We are at a location where prices of everything we see is half or less than what we pay at home. Besides that, it all looks good, appealing to my delight in well-designed whatevers. However, the Holy Spirit nudges me constantly regarding need, never mind the size of my suitcase. His desire for my good does not include adding more stuff when He now has me in a stage of simplifying life. I’m to be purging, not collecting or hoarding — and this too is for my well-being. He wants me to guard my wallet as well as my waistline.

PRAY: In this place, temptations abound. Yet I realize Jesus, that Your Spirit can keep me contented with obeying You, regardless of what gets dangled before me. Besides, You are replacing anything I might covet with other wonders, like deer in the backyard, squirrels playing tag under the trees, birds of all colors singing to You, and answers to prayers for seemingly impossible situations. You are almighty God, yet You know and care about even my thoughts and are always guiding me because You want the best for me — me, a sinner saved by grace. Such a wonder!


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