October 3, 2024

Joy in trials...


One of my dear friends is care-giver for her hubby who has dementia. At times, he seems ‘normal’ but he can be a handful. She says this is to develop patience in her life. Another friend said the same thing last week, that she married her hubby so God could develop her patience. A few months ago we cerebrated our 53rd anniversary. When asked what the secret is for a long marriage, my hubby said “Forgiveness and patience.”
Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing. (James 1:2–4)
Some translations say that trials develop patience, another term for being steadfast. And not all trials involve marriage! Just watching the news shows many far worse, like the wars in Ukraine and the Middle East, the devastation in the southern USA, random murders of children, and many other horrific events.

Another verse says: “Not only that, but we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance.” (Romans 5:3) This is another word that means patience. And for many situations, this seems totally impossible.

Our biggest problem? Most people would rather have the problem fixed or gone. A professor who taught biblical counseling revealed that when people come for counseling, as soon as they find out that they must deal with their past or their own heart, they quit coming because all they want is a solution to their current problem.

Today’s devotional again reminds me to take each thing that is wrong in my life as an opportunity to rise closer to God. It says that no matter who the originator of the wrong may be, whether people, or events, or even devils, by the time a trial reaches me it is meant to carry me to heavenly places of triumph in the Lord.

I agree. Even though God’s will may be hidden in the trial, I can shut out all second causes and find the Lord in whatever is happening. It is suggested to repeat “Thy will be done! Thy will be done!” Yet however I respond, I can submit to Him and trust Him. He will carry me through the trial and lift me above any normal human (and fleshy) responses to it. His power is amazing.

PRAY: Jesus, today brings more bad and good news. Two family members have been hit with Covid. We had a complex problem with transferring money. Our day was long and tiring. But answers for that problem and other issues regarding our relocation are being resolved. We are aware and thankful for Your care (often in surprising ways) and Your wisdom, freely offered as we ask for it…
If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him. (James 1:5)
For this and for all You give us, we are thankful. You do fill us with joy in trials, and in return, we give You glory!

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