October 6, 2024

Keep my eyes on God

Today’s reading takes an interesting look at the concept of trust. It points out that when I trust another person, that confidence is based on the performance and track-record of that person. Have they gained my trust because of who they are? Am I able to continue in my trust because of that person’s character and ways? This is not about me, but about the trustworthiness of that person.

Yet when it comes to trusting God, many turn this about and base their confidence on their ability to trust rather than on His trustworthiness. In our earthly affairs, we are not so silly as to look inside ourselves to see whether we can trust someone, but with God there is a tendency to look for a ground of trust in me rather than Him.

I know that I am or can be untrustworthy at times, and my own lack can fill me with doubt, even despair. I begin thinking of my track record and know that I cannot do this or that, but it should not affect my faith — yet it does. This is because I’m looking in the wrong direction and at the wrong person. The faithfulness of God does not depend on my ability to believe in it. It depends on His ability to be faithful. For example, the Bible says:

He will not let your foot be moved; he who keeps you will not slumber. Behold, he who keeps Israel will neither slumber nor sleep. The Lord is your keeper; the Lord is your shade on your right hand. The sun shall not strike you by day, nor the moon by night. The Lord will keep you from all evil; he will keep your life. (Psalm 121:3–7)
Do I believe that because it is my experience? Or not believe it because evil happens to me? Or do I define evil or let God define evil? Who is the wiser one in this equation? Do I know more than God when it comes to discerning what is going to work out for good in my life?
And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose. For those whom he foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, in order that he might be the firstborn among many brothers. (Romans 8:28–29)
Or am I going to be so silly to think that because I didn’t like something, He does not know what He is doing and therefore I’m not going to trust Him?

I’ve already determined that I’m not to be trusted. I make mistakes, errors in judgement. I forget things. I fall asleep on the job. I don’t know when every sparrow falls. I cannot clothe the lilies of the field nor can I make a storm stop or a flower grow.

Such was God’s answer to Job as he struggled with trusting God who seemed to have forgotten him in his great trial. He rehearsed His power to this man and Job repented of his doubt. He realized that he knew nothing alongside His maker.

In my relationship with the Lord, I need to remember this: not to ever look at myself for a reason or basis of trust. I am unworthy and looking at foolish me will fill me with doubt and despair. In great contrast, a single look at God fills me with perfect peace.

PRAY: These days are filled with small actions You do that others might see as ‘coincidents’ but we see as Your hand helping us in the challenges of moving — at our age with physical weaknesses and not a lot of staying power. You are an amazing God. Forgive the times we look in the mirror for what we need instead of You, and give us great vision of Yourself and Your ability so that our trust is always in You. May You be glorified!


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