October 21, 2024

Jesus is Enough!

Some speak of God and Jesus Christ as if knowing Him is related to a human decision to believe. With that comes all sorts of encouragements to hang in there, to keep trusting Him, to remember who Jesus is and the proof of it. They speak of God in tentative terms and eternal life as a future reward. They also stress human effort and the will to believe, as if all of this is up to us.

While my experience sometimes belie what God says, my experience concerning faith in Christ and becoming a Christian is nothing like the above examples. My salvation experience was not about what I did. Not only that, it lines up with the Word of God.

That said, everything related to my Christian life is about what God is doing through the power of His Holy Spirit, both before and after. In searching for Him, I didn’t even realize that was what I was doing. I didn’t find Him — He found me. I was sitting in my living room reading a book on reincarnation (which I now know is not true) and suddenly became aware of Jesus. He came as light in my darkness and revealed to me what I did not know nor had been told; He is God incarnate, God in human flesh, and He came to die for my sin. This truth has never been doubted.

In that encounter, my mind and heart were changed. I knew instantly who He is. I knew why He came. Again, that has never changed. I’ve not had to fight to keep believing it. Revealed truth is unforgettable, not the same as ‘taught’ truth.

Soon after that happened, my sister told me to read John five times and Romans twice, reading until a revelation from God stopped me. Then write it down, and how it applies to me. Repeat. More than fifty years. And God has, every day of those years given me something new, or reviewed something already revealed — faithfully. To my amazement. To my joy. And Jesus said this:

… The words that I say to you I do not speak on my own authority, but the Father who dwells in me does his works. (John 14:10)
If Jesus did that, what right do I have to speak as if I have any authority? Or claim that I do what He tells me? Even Jesus said that it is the One who lives in Him that does the work of God. I’ve no right nor any reason to claim any of it. Again, this is illustrated by a hand in a glove. The glove is inert and useless without the hand to animate it.
I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. (Galatians 2:20)
Galatians also explains the fact that the old nature, called the flesh, still tries to rule my life. God says:
But I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh. For the desires of the flesh are against the Spirit, and the desires of the Spirit are against the flesh, for these are opposed to each other, to keep you from doing the things you want to do. (Galatians 5:16–17)
This applies only as God reveals to me what is fleshy and interfering with His Spirit. This applies this morning as we have two days before the moving van arrives and my flesh wants to quit packing and be done with it. Even run away and hide. The Spirit tells me to trust in Him to give me the strength and the attitude I need to do this as Jesus would — by listening to and relying on my Father.

PRAY: The day ahead seems too hard, yet You are the God of ‘too hard’ and tell me I can do Your will in Your strength, and with joy. Fill me with Your Spirit and enable obedience, even in this ordinary challenge. I need You all the time, and I know that You are enough!

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