June 26, 2019

ALL for Jesus . . .

During our holidays I had time to think about simplifying life. One thing on my heart was being more focused on what God says to me each day. He wants me to look for a clear application and be thankful. This morning I’d planned to move into 2 Corinthians. God had other ideas.

My ‘Bible read through’ this year is using The Message. It is not the greatest translation yet offers insights that are much like those coming from a commentary. Today I read the bridge between Ecclesiastes and Isaiah, then a few chapters in Isaiah. In that bridge, the translator wrote about the role of Israel’s prophets. Part of this says:
   One of the bad habits that we pick up early in our lives is separating things and people into secular and sacred. We assume that the secular is what we are more or less in charge of: our jobs, our time, our entertainment, our government, our social relations. The sacred is what God has charge of: worship and the Bible, heaven and hell, church and prayers. We then contrive to set aside a sacred place for God, designed, we say, to honor God but really intended to keep God in his place, leaving us free to have the final say about everything else that goes on.
   “Prophets will have none of this. They contend that everything, absolutely everything, takes place on sacred ground. God has something to say about every aspect of our lives: The way we feel and act in the so-called privacy of our hearts and homes, the way we make our money and the way we spend it, the politics we embrace, the wars we fight, the catastrophes we endure, the people we hurt and the people we help. Nothing is hidden from the scrutiny of God, nothing is exempt from the rule of God, nothing escapes the purposes of God. Holy, holy, holy.
The Holy Spirit reminded me again of a verse in 1 Corinthians that points to the same life-focus, a simplicity that is both comprehensive and not as easy as it looks . . .
So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God. (1 Corinthians 10:31)
This is God’s Word for me today: think about how I can glorify God in all that I do, like laundry, tidying up the leftover to-do list from our holidays, answer calls and emails, mail a couple of pattern orders, make supper for my husband, and generally be thankful for all that happens, all His blessings.

Lord, I know many Christians make lists of stuff they give You and other lists that they can handle by themselves. I’ve been like that much of my Christian life and realize again that You never intended Your people to think sacred / secular. All of life is sacred and all of life is for Your glory. This is a marvelous reality and takes the humdrum out of daily life. You even make all of it an adventure, an exciting walk with You including the ability to see You in the ordinary as well as the special. For this I am grateful!

Today’s thankful list . . .  
The ability of the Holy Spirit to change my plans.
Music that honors the Lord.
Software that lets me talk to a far-away granddaughter for nearly two hours, no cost.
Having a granddaughter that wants to talk to granny that long!
Fresh veggies for summer salads.
The rain and the sunshine, often at the same time.
That mountain of laundry is done, ironed and in the closet.

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