September 1, 2024

Praise rather than protest...


Yesterday’s reminders about being thankful and that being thankful is the will of God, also reminded me of how easily I complain. Today’s reading reminds me again, that even the smallest dissatisfaction is finding fault with the Lord. He is sovereign and nothing escapes His notice or is out of His control. How dare I criticize the God I profess to love.

Examples: My toe hurts. It is too windy. The sun is too bright. The day is filled with interruptions. My cousin talks too much. I can’t find shoes to fit my narrow heels. The pizza is too salty.

Need I go on? Do these get excused because they are not about the ‘big’ things like corruption in the market place, drunk drivers, the seductive power of false teachers, or the floods and fires that ruin lives? Do I rate all these things like some people rate sin and make some excusable and others so disgusting that they are almost unmentionable and candidates for a self-righteous declaration such as, “At least I don’t do that”?

Every complaint I make is a verbal insult to God, a declaration that He is not doing His job the way I think He should. It isn’t that God needs me to affirm Him or His wisdom — He knows what He is doing and knows it is perfect. The problem is with me. I can easily talk and act like a spoiled child who wants all things done to suit her likes and dislikes.

What is the cure for such foolishness? I have written in a prayer request notebook that I cannot sin and praise God at the same time. Today’s reading affirms that by pointing out how many times the Bible tells readers to praise and thank Him. The word “praise” is used more than 230 times. Worship is used nearly 200 times, “thanks” and its variations about 130 times. Complain and grumble appear only 40-50 times and is criticized or expressed negatively in every one of those verses.

God saves His people from our enemies. Imagine complaining about that! He heals and blesses us. Do I not thank Him and only complain for more? How ignorant and wrong to think my wants are more important than His will or His wisdom.
Praise the Lord, for the Lord is good; sing to his name, for it is pleasant! (Psalm 135:3)
He put a new song in my mouth, a song of praise to our God. Many will see and fear, and put their trust in the Lord. (Psalm 40:3)

Be exalted, O Lord, in your strength! We will sing and praise your power. (Psalm 21:13)

At midnight I rise to praise you, because of your righteous rules. (Psalm 119:62)

God is to be praised for what He does and for who He is. He is Lord of all, loves all, is righteous and good, and sovereign. He also says: “I form light and create darkness; I make well-being and create calamity; I am the Lord, who does all these things.” (Isaiah 45:7)
This leaves me with nothing to criticize. He knows what He is doing, even if to me it doesn’t seem right or I’ve no clue why some things happen. My role is to trust Him and declare that trust in praise.

PRAY: Today is a new day. It will be filled with all sorts of things. Will my reactions to each one be trust, faith, praise? Or will I doubt and complain? I know that Your Holy Spirit does not produce those sinful reactions. I also know how much I need to be filled with Your Spirit so that I am not sinning by grumbling or even thinking that You do not know what You are doing. Keep me in Your will — thankful and trusting You with all things, including all calamities —along with the well-beings that seem so much easier to praise.

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