May 25, 2024

Not my will…


Reading several devotionals is not getting to me this morning, except this one line:  “Many of us do not go on spiritually because we prefer to choose what is right instead of relying on God to choose for us.”

The past two weeks have involved relying on God to choose the activities of each day, and I wonder about those choices (am I doubting God?) because this day, I don’t want any more surprises, phone calls, troubled stories, or burdens to pray about. I’d like to sleep all day.

Then I think about Jesus who said, “Not my will but thine be done” and not long after that, “Jesus cried out again with a loud voice and yielded up his spirit.” (Matthew 27:50)

Before that incredible statement, He also said:

For this reason the Father loves me, because I lay down my life that I may take it up again. No one takes it from me, but I lay it down of my own accord. I have authority to lay it down, and I have authority to take it up again. This charge I have received from my Father.” (John 10:17–18)
In other words, Jesus knew the Father loved Him so He willingly yielded to whatever God wanted for Him and from Him. He could have selected the ‘right’ thing, or the ‘best’ thing, or whatever seemed  a good idea, but He laid down that right to choose.

This takes me back to today’s devotional. It begins with: “Let everything else go that you may live out, in a practical daily walk and conversation, the Christ-life you have dwelling within you. You are united to your Lord by a wonderful tie; walk, then, as He walked, and show to the unbelieving world the blessed reality of His mighty power to save. You need not fear to consent to this, for He is your Savior and has power to do it all. He is not asking you, in your weakness, to do it yourself. He only asks you to yield yourself to Him that He may work in you and through you by His own mighty power. Your part is to yield yourself.”

I know that He also gives the power to obey. Up front, with the way I’m feeling, power to do anything seems remote, but as the devotional writer says, I’m not to concern myself with the hours ahead that I cannot see. Instead, just abandon myself to His care. His goal is this, not that I feel good about my day but that I trust Him and in that, He is seen by others who as yet do not read His Word. I’m to be a letter of recommendation for Him and for His people, not a tired and reluctant scrawl but alert and yielded to the One who has written His Word on my heart.

PRAY: Lord, I’m not sure what this day will bring, another test or some badly yearned for rest. You know what is the most vital thing. Help me trust You, no matter what, and to have the energy of a yielded spirit rather than the reluctance of a weary body and mind. Not my will, but thine be done.

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