May 17, 2024

Advantage of being weak…

God is revealing the answer to another puzzle that I’ve often thought about. It is in this passage:
Three times I pleaded with the Lord about this, that it should leave me. But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me. For the sake of Christ, then, I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities. For when I am weak, then I am strong. (2 Corinthians 12:8–10)
I get the last line, that He gives His strength to those who are weak and unable. The part that I’ve wondered about is being able to “boast all the more gladly” and be “content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions and calamities.” Like most people, those things are difficult to be content with, never mind gladly boast about them. However, this line redirects my thinking:
Who would not glory in being so weak and helpless that the Lord Jesus Christ should find no hindrance to the perfect working of His mighty power through us and in us?
With that, it is easy to see the possibility of glorying or boasting about weakness — because it means getting out of the Lord’s way, not being an obstacle to what He wants to do, even that He might use me to do it, but just getting out of His way is a big accomplishment. It means that I realize His power and wisdom are supreme and that my I-wants and efforts only hinder Him from doing the very best that can be done.

Today’s reading also says that because the work is Christ’s, the responsibility is His also. I don’t have to be concerned about the results; He can manage it all. My part is being contented like a child and guided in either leaving Him to do it, or willing to run errands at His requests.

I know a man who directs a ministry to the homeless. The work done brings glory to God and much opposition from non-Christians including government officials who are anxious to ‘fix’ the problem but do not want it done by faith-based ministries. While this makes no sense to me, the focus of this director is like the puzzle of being content with weakness, insults, and hardships. He is blasted continually yet smiles at his helplessness and puts the current calamity in the hands of the Lord. By this, God is free to work and miracles happen.

This solves another issue. Sometimes, when I am able to accept weakness and enjoy the rest in Christ that follows, I feel guilty that I am not burdened about anything. Being content sometimes seems that I’m not really serving God.

However, the emotions and actions that go with boasting in weakness are not about what I’m feeling but about the peace and contentment God gives to those who are trusting Him and not trying to ‘help’ Him or solve any issues apart from Him. It is not about taking it easy or about doing what He asks me to do. Obeying God can require complex planning and physical effort but not a sense of power, or confidence in myself, or any reactions to people or events around me. In that man who helps the homeless, I see the wonder of what God does in the life of someone who dares carry the workload Christ asks of him without carrying any mental burden. Nonchalant? Yes! Trusting Jesus? Entirely! Effective? Amazingly so!

PRAY: Jesus, this is the abundant life — working with great enthusiasm yet not being in charge or accountable for the power to do it or the results. All of that belongs to You. My job is simple: just trust You and do what You say.

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