July 15, 2023

Who am I?


While researching her family tree, a neighbor discovered she was related to a queen. She didn’t say, but I imagined this affected her view of herself. A relative doing the same thing found out she is related to a well-known movie star. Imagine the effect of God telling someone this:

Now therefore, if you will indeed obey my voice and keep my covenant, you shall be my treasured possession among all peoples, for all the earth is mine; and you shall be to me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation. (Exodus 19:5–6)

His message to the Jews was incredible. They were to be both priests and royalty. Sadly, they violated the covenant with Him and forfeited those privileges.

But God didn’t turn His back on humanity. The NT gives this same message to those who believe in Jesus:

But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light. (1 Peter 2:9)

This idea of “royal” was about a royal palace, sovereignty, a crown, or a monarchy. Here it is royalty in general like we use ‘the royal house of England’ not as a building but a sphere of dominion. This is the same idea concerning God’s “spiritual house” referred to in verse 5. Those who believe in Jesus Christ serve Him as our King and will reign with Him in His sphere of dominion. Other verses affirm this amazing connection and our identity as His people:

You have made them a kingdom and priests to our God, and they shall reign on the earth.” (Revelation 5:10)

Blessed and holy is the one who shares in the first resurrection! Over such the second death has no power, but they will be priests of God and of Christ, and they will reign with him for a thousand years. (Revelation 20:6)

This is also practical. The devotional for today connects it to how Christians will eventually judge the world so if there are any disputes, we should not take them to our legal system but figure them out ourselves. (See 1 Corinthians 6:1–3).

In my thinking, this is [primarily a self-view issue. Some Christians have what is called “worm theology” and view themselves as unworthy and even useless. They have trouble praying or speaking about the Lord because they feel entirely unable. This self-view leaves Christ out and sees only the old nature with all its selfishness and weaknesses without realizing that this view is still self-focused. In Christ, we can do all things. In Christ, we can boldly approach the throne of grace for help in time of need. In Christ, we are chosen, a royal priesthood, holy, His people, not crawling on our bellies but standing before Him in confidence.

Today’s devotional says, “Never forget who you are in Christ, and don’t let sin or the world distract you from your priestly role.” Who I am in Christ gives me confidence. Worm theology does not. However, the world goes to the other extreme and encourages a strong, “I can do anything I want” view that puts my reliance on my skills and abilities instead of on Christ. That too is self-focused.

A biblical view is seeing me as God sees me, and to do that, I must be in the Word of God every day, discovering what He says rather than musing about how I feel or think. What God says is true. Other voices and ideas come and go and are often blatant lies. Only my Maker can give an honest report!

PRAY: Jesus, You are my Lord and my King. You created me and you know who I am, not merely what I was like before being chosen as Your child, but also what You have given me since that choice was made. Forgive me for a self-view that hits both extremes, either ‘poor me’ or ‘confident in me’ instead of seeing myself in You, and seeing You as all that I need. I am chosen. As if that were not enough, I am royalty, made a priest of God with the task of glorifying You, the God of glory. I am Your child, Your servant. I am also a sinful person who knows that none of what You have done for me is deserved or earned. Pride has no place in a biblical view of self, nor does self-depreciation befit the wonder of being Your child, Your priest. Oh, Lord, how amazing is all that You have done for Your people.

PONDER: ways that I can be a better example of one who represents His royal priesthood. It may not be exactly what He told Timothy, but whatever God wants from me, rely on Him to put that in my heart.

Command and teach these things . . . . Set the believers an example in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, in purity. Until I come, devote yourself to do it. (See 1 Timothy 4:11–13)



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