July 14, 2023

Playing on a team . . .


Our church has a team in a city-wide slo-pitch league. While scores are kept and players do their best, it is a ‘fun league’ rather than competitive. This week, the other team didn’t show up and registered a forfeit on the website. Our team didn’t see that so everyone was at the ball diamond, enough to add some spectators and make up two teams and play anyway. Most wore the same jerseys so I could not tell them apart. I’m not aware how they decided who played where but this reminded me of school days when team captains took turns and selected players. No one wanted to be the last one picked.

Everyone played, even the girlfriend of one of the regular players who had never picked up a bat before but bravely give it a try. Others were at the opposite extreme with years of experience. Skill wasn’t as important as effort, including delightful banter and some surprising, excellent plays.

This morning’s verse parallels some of that game’s elements with this team effort. First, the players were chosen.

But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light. (1 Peter 2:9)

No one tried to pick me to play ball, but God did choose me to be His child and on His team. Jesus said, “You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit and that your fruit should abide, so that whatever you ask the Father in my name, he may give it to you.” (John 15:16)

Like these teams, some of us bear more fruit than others, but that is not the point. Because God picked us to ‘play’ on His team, we can do it, not to be in competition but for the joy of doing His will.

Some of the banter illustrates how Christian service works. These teams were led by two of our pastors who were also pitching the ball. At one point, one player at bat was being teased by the pastor who was pitching. Her team leader and another pastor, shouted out, “Hey, listen to him on Sunday mornings, but don’t listen to him out here!” Everyone laughed. On reflection, when serving God, I am to listen to spiritual leaders, yet they are not always with me to guide my actions or take the place of listening to God.

I know this verse is not about a ball game. The devotional writer makes it about the doctrine of election, much debated yet does anyone really understand it? Some make faith in Christ solely the prerogative of God. Others point to human responsibility to jump up to the plate.

As I understand it, God’s will somehow works in my will to motivate me so I will do what He wants me to do, and that includes hitting a homer, bunting the ball, and striking out. He uses all things together to transform me into the image of His Son (Romans 8:28-29). This is a mystery, but trusting His sovereign power yields far better results than relying on my ability to make the right choices and do the right things.

For today, I’m hearing God speak to me about teamwork and about joy in playing this game a life of serving Him according to rules yet without making it a competition. Some can hit better or run faster, but we are in this together, bound by our delight in God’s redeeming grace. I rejoice at being selected by the Lord to serve Him.

PRAY: Jesus, this is not the best analogy, yet it reminds me that I am on Your team, challenged to do my best to bring glory to You and to present Your wonderful and powerful good news to others. I’m to love my teammates, love those watching, even love those who fail to show up, and never grumble about the task at hand or the performance of others on our team. I’m not a ball player, but I am chosen by Your amazing grace and so thankful to take part in what You are doing in this world.

PONDER: the grace of God as described in Romans 5. Where would I be if God had not selected me to be on His team?



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