November 13, 2019

Growing up yet still a baby . . .

My friend who has been a Christian for most of her ninety years, keeps reminding me that spirituality is a process. Yes, we become children of God the moment we believe in Jesus Christ but growing to be like Him takes a lifetime.
As I read this passage, it seems that John is thinking about those stages of growth . . .

I am writing to you, little children, because your sins are forgiven for his name’s sake. I am writing to you, fathers, because you know him who is from the beginning. I am writing to you, young men, because you have overcome the evil one. I write to you, children, because you know the Father. I write to you, fathers, because you know him who is from the beginning. I write to you, young men, because you are strong, and the word of God abides in you, and you have overcome the evil one. (1 John 2:12–14)

Those who are ‘little children’ in the family of God know that their sins are forgiven. They know the Father yet their knowledge of Him does not yet include battles with the evil one. That is the stage for ‘young men’ who have fought and overcome the liar who has tried to trip them up but was defeated by these growing Christians who know the Word of God and are strong in the truth, able to defeat his lies and accusations. The fathers are more deeply into their relationship with the Father, settled and convinced of His care for them right from the beginning.

I’ve also heard sermons about stages of spiritual growth. One suggests that there are several, beginning with a ‘honeymoon’ phase of being madly in love with Jesus Christ and bold to tell others about Him. After a time, this confidence is shaken by the revelation that they have flaws to take care of, sins that pop up and weaknesses that bring them to their knees. In this stage comes the realization of how much they have trusted the flesh. It is a time of learning how to walk in the Spirit. After that there may be a period of fruitfulness, then a time of deeper revelation where God reveals problems from the past that cause inconsistencies in a believer’s daily walk with the Lord.

However spiritual growth is described, two things are true: all Christians grow to be more like Jesus, and each of us grow at different rates and in different ways. Depth is also a factor. I can look back at the devotions I’ve written and be blessed by the truth in them. Yet I realize that I’ve not practiced those truths as often or with as much dedication as I should have. I can talk with other Christians who fill in ‘blanks’ in my thinking and help me grow. Sometimes I do the same for them.

All of us tend to get side-tracked, forget what we know, or have the problem with what we call ‘head knowledge vs. heart knowledge.’ This is when we know a truth but the depth of that truth has not yet influenced every part of life. Sometimes we hear it with joy and are distracted by the issues of life. Sometimes we hear it but its value gets crowded out by our battle with various sins. Like the seed in the parable of the sower, God keeps putting the same truths into our minds and hearts yet it needs water, fertilizer or the ground plowed up before it grows into a worthwhile and eternal crop.

Lord, I’m thankful that You have patiently led me from being a baby in Christ to where I am. However, I know that growth is still happening. The more I know You, the more I realize how far I am from maturity. Thank You for Your persistence and for supplying all that I need for life, godliness and victory over sin. Most of all, thank You that I belong to You and that You are quite happy when I am like a little child.

Today’s thankful list . . .
- for Jesus and the promise that when I see Him as He is, I will be like Him.
- for the family of God that helps this ‘baby’ grow.
- that all things work together for my good, to transform me into His image.
- for a very heavy workout at the gym and the ability to nap afterward.
- that I can donate quilts to a group that sells them to support persecuted believers in need.
- that my sister has such amazing sons and daughters-in-law to take care of her.
- for God’s comfort in losing her to a strange dementia that has taken away her ability to remember words.

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