July 25, 2024

The most discouraging part of becoming like Jesus…

Today’s reading is sad. The author describes her conversion and the joy of it, then asked someone how to get power over sin and was told that this was a life-long battle. She then became very disappointed and, again using the OT story of the Israelites as a bases, she wrote:

So ignorant was I of God’s ways that I in turn became a spy, bringing a bad report of the land to the Christians who came to me for counsel, telling them it was indeed a good land but adding the fatal “nevertheless” of unbelief, that the people who lived in the land were too strong for them, and the cities were walled and very great. Many a one did I thus turn back, causing them to wander with me in the wilderness for many years.
This author lived long before our time, and because her devotional is entitled, “God is Enough” I do hope she realized that such wandering is not abnormal. It is a stage of spiritual growth that some call “a period of spiritual crisis and struggle” and absolutely necessary to spiritual maturity. There is good reason for this stage.

The joy of salvation puts us in ‘honeymoon’ mode where we think we can do anything, conquer all our enemies and defeat sin. However, that stage cannot last. The NT says, “Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him” (Colossians 2:6) so we conquer sin’s power in the same way that we were delivered from its penalty — by trusting Jesus and not ourselves. In other words, we need to learn that much of this “I can do it” is without understanding that like salvation, we are helpless to live a victorious life without total reliance on Christ.

For some, this can be a long time of “wilderness wandering” because the smart, capable people have no desire to become helpless, not merely believing the theology of it, but fully knowing the reality of it. As Paul wrote, when he was weak, God’s strength happens. Many do not even realize they are relying on themselves and not Jesus.

Spiritual dependency is next. This part of spiritual growth involves surrender, willingness to give glory to God and not keep it for myself, and a total commitment to total obedience. The devotional author calls that complete consecration, yet errs to say that without this, no one can enter heaven.
The only way that can be corrected is looking at the whole picture. Those who are saved will be taken through a time of frustration and struggle to learn that Jesus is necessary for all of life, whatever I do, even the seemingly insignificant things:
So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God. (1 Corinthians 10:31)
Some stop growing at this point of yielding because the human way of thinking cannot make sense of it, or more likely, does not want to give up their own way and in great humility follow Jesus into great fruitfulness, yet even the OT says:
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths. Be not wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord, and turn away from evil. It will be healing to your flesh and refreshment to your bones. (Proverbs 3:5–8)
This is the way out of wandering in the wilderness. It cannot be done by a decision of the will, or by feelings or even reasoning. It is part of the saving work of Jesus and a matter of faith. Like salvation from sin, being rescued from its power can be trusted — or resisted. Yet even curing that resistance is a work of our Savior:
And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ. (Philippians 1:6)
Many realize we need to see Him face-to-face to be fully cured of relying on self. We need this understanding because the advice given to this author is true, not an error, only incomplete. Yes, I will fight sin all of my life, not because I have no way to win but because sinlessness belongs only to Jesus and learning that He fights for me is part of the journey. The total victory happens when I leave here and go home.

PRAY: Jesus, I agree that You deliver sinners from the penalty of sin and that I will experience some degree of its power as I battle the forces of evil in this world. However, only when You take me home will I be delivered from sin’s presence and finally realize the truth that You indeed are enough!

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