My daughter once said that she finally figured out what is
wrong with the world: “Everybody is
selfish.” Wise words for a young girl. I already knew how selfish I can be.
God is working on that. Also, it is not hard to find more examples.
For instance, in our city, a young man applied for a
babysitting job. The parent had already hired someone else and he was not
accepted. Instead of continuing to look for work, he filed a human rights
complaint that he was being discriminated against based on family status,
because he had no children. He earlier filed another complaint of
discrimination based on age and gender when another job was cancelled.
This complaint seems like too much focus in the wrong
place. Complaining in general usually gives evidence of ‘me, myself and I’ being
the center of the universe. Besides that, every time I complain it is rooted in
not agreeing with the decisions and actions of the Sovereign God that I claim
to worship. Really. If God is sovereign, then all that happens is under His
will and permission — so who am I to bellyache about what He is doing? Today’s
reading is blunt yet also gives good reason to not gripe about anything:
Do all things without grumbling or disputing, that you may be blameless and innocent, children of God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and twisted generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world. (Philippians 2:14–15)
I know a few very shiny people. One of them is the man who
heads up brunch in our church. He is not young, walks with a shuffle, has
thirteen stents for heart issues, was on dialysis a few months ago for kidney
failure (and remarkably recovered) and has other health issues. He goes once a
week to Costco to buy food and other brunch supplies, looks for bargains
elsewhere (we feed several hundred people each Sunday), is responsible for
giving financial reports, has a wife who leads a thriving ministry for single
moms and helps her with that, and makes meals for various groups that meet in
our building. This man never complains about anything. He actually glows.
I read yesterday a news clip from a celebrity that said, “Try going one whole day without criticizing
someone.” It is like the above Scripture verses and prompt me: “Try and go an entire day without
complaining or arguing about anything.” This is God’s challenge to me.
It goes deeper. These verses also challenge my faith. Do I
really believe in God’s sovereignty? That He knows what He is doing? This is
not an exercise in self-control of the mouth. It is a test of what I think
about Almighty God. Can I be content and happy, no matter what happens? If I really
trust Him, I should never grumble.
Lord Jesus, this had been an emotional week. A near-death
situation, constant prayer, a remarkable answer that brought recovery, some
personal issues with another person that taught me much, You know all this and
the rest of life’s challenges. I’ve no idea what today will bring, but I do
believe that You are in charge and that I can trust You. Will that be tested
today with negatives that could bring grumbling or disputing? I hope not, yet
no matter what, grant me the grace to remember You — and remember to shine so
that You are glorified.
Today’s thankful list . . .
God’s goodness.
Made a few goof-ups with my sewing machine and didn’t gripe.
Hearing others give thanks.
Life made easier because of a Google alarm that is easy to
My hubby had a good golf game on this day off work.
Angel food cake with peaches and ice cream.
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