April 9, 2024

His ways are higher…

While many sermons and devotional readings make much of what God’s people are supposed to do, I find more helpful those that remind me of what God has done and promises to do. This is partly age — for at my stage of life I can no longer physically do actions that were easy when younger. But it is also the experience of trying to run my own life in many areas and realizing that it is the God-guided life that is fulfilling and leads to what is best.

That said, today’s devotional affirms it. I must believe that divine guidance is promised and my faith must confidently look for and expect it. If I seek it, I will be certain to receive it.

We visit Christian friends today that have many decisions ahead of them. Some tell us that many friends are telling them what they should do. While seeking counsel is usually good, it can be very confusing if the advice varies or contradicts other advice, so we are hoping that our conversation will be from the Lord. I’m thinking to ask, “What is God telling you to do?”

As His children, we know that our God has all knowledge and all wisdom, and that He will also guide us to whatever is best for us. We also know that what He tells us may seem confusing and even wrong to the short-sighted human eyes around us, and even to us. It takes faith to remember that God says:
For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts. (Isaiah 55:8–9)
God alone knows the end of things from the beginning and can judge what the results of any course of action may be. His love can run counter to the loving wishes of even our dearest friends. In order to be a disciple and follower of Jesus, I, or any other believer, may be called to forsake even my own family to do what Jesus asks of me:
And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or lands, for my name’s sake, will receive a hundredfold and will inherit eternal life. (Matthew 19:29)
God’s children who listen and obey Him need to know this. For some, it is leaving a former religion, and there are some who will try to destroy family members who become Christians. For some, the anger or rejection will not be that severe, but family may consider the convert dead and shun them. Others will become aloof, distant, or even mock believers from their family or who once were their friends.

Today’s devotional ends with, “Unless he is prepared for this and can trust the Lord through it all, he will scarcely know what to do.” I know a young mother who follows Jesus. She has a son who is only beginning life and just started school, but she has been teaching him the reality of adversity and how to deal with it. This boy is a cheerful child and easy to like, yet his mom knows the reality of persecution toward even children. How wise her plan to prepare him for it and teach him how to respond.

This afternoon, our friends need support in what God has told them, regardless of the critics that might advise them otherwise.

PRAY: Jesus, this afternoon is a challenge. We do not want to further confuse our friends but help them to hear Your voice (which we think they already have) but not to let the many other voices they are hearing interfere with doing what You say. It may not fit with the ‘common sense’ of their friends or family, or even themselves, but may we encourage them to listen to You and do what You say, knowing that your ways are higher than ours and are always for our good and for Your glory.

Later: We experienced a totally surprising answer to prayer that had us jumping for joy with our friends. Lord, You are utterly amazing.

1 comment:

Aritha V. said...

Thank you. This is a very good christian post and I know, so is He!