April 14, 2024

Faith Affirmed

God affirms me in amazing ways. Today’s devotional says what the Holy Spirit has been revealing to me all week. With delight, I reproduce it here, making the pronouns personal.
Sometimes, in spite of all my efforts to discover the truth, the divine sense of “oughtness” does not seem to come and my doubts and perplexities continue unenlightened. In addition, my friends differ from me and may oppose my course. In such a case there is nothing to do but to wait until the light comes. I must wait in faith and in an attitude of entire surrender, saying a continual yes to the will of the Lord. If the suggestion is from Him, it will continue and strengthen; if it is not from Him, it will disappear. If it continues, if it troubles me in moments of prayer and disturbs my peace, and if it conforms to the test of the divine harmony of which I have written (see recent devotions), I may feel sure it is from God. Then I must yield to it or suffer an unspeakable loss.

The apostle Paul says that “Whatsoever is not of faith is sin” (Romans 14:23). In all doubtful things, then, I must stand still and refrain from action until God gives me light to know more clearly His mind concerning them. Very often I will find that the doubt has been His voice calling me to come into more perfect conformity to His will; but sometimes these doubtful things are only temptations or morbid feelings, to which it would be most unwise for me to yield. The only safe way is to wait until I can act in faith.
I read these words with delight because of the harmony between the Christian who wrote them and my mind about such matters. This devotional book is more than 100 years old and not only affirms my thoughts about knowing God’s will, it affirms that:
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. (Hebrews 13:8)
He is timeless and His Word is timeless, as relevant today as when first written — incidentally by many human authors who listened and wrote as the Spirit told them, over a period of many years. Truth is truth and because Jesus is “the way, the truth, the life” then I can rely on Him and His Word no matter what the world says about relevance, or the devil suggests about truth being doubtful, or the resistance my flesh has to anything that God says.

As God says, as He reveals it to me, and as this Christian affirmed, when in doubt, wait in yielded faith — He will make it clear.

PRAY: Jesus, we had an event at our church yesterday that was prayed for with hope, not too certain it would draw many people. It was a Heritage Festival to celebrate the many cultures represented in our congregation and that will eventually gather before the throne of God. Faith became sight — the main auditorium was so filled that we could hardly walk. What a wonderful celebration and display of faith becoming sight. As You continue to affirm faith, may all of us continue to grow in it and celebrate Your awesome goodness.

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