August 24, 2018

Faith in Christ >>> blessed

There are two Old Testament words for blessed. One is God blessing us without any cause and us blessing God. The other originates more in humanity and in our doing something to bring a blessing to our lives. In the following verse, the word used is the second word for blessing (also translated happiness).

“Blessed is he whose help is the God of Jacob, whose hope is in the Lord his God.” (Psalm 146:5)

Tozer writes that our clamor after happiness can be a snare. Certainly the devil has a host of lies regarding what will do it. Health, wealth, possessions, popularity, achievement, a new house, a big boat, many friends, successful children, the list goes on.

However, this verse describes two requirements that will bring blessing or happiness to me. One is that my help comes from God. I need not trust anything or anyone else. In relying on Him, I will never be ‘helped’ into a sad or sorry state. His assistance in all my life produces blessing and joy.

The second requirement for blessing is hoping in Him. This is about expectations. I might have an unfulfilled need or pray for a good thing that has not yet happened. If I am hoping that God will take care of it, then I’m not busily scheming or trying to change my circumstances. Instead, my heart is trusting the Lord to do whatever it is — no matter how long it takes. This also results in happiness, a sense of being blessed.

Both ‘ways to be happy’ are choices. I can find many other sources for help including my own ideas, the aid of others, books, and so on, and when I ask God for help He might send me to one of those sources, but more often than not, He sends solutions through the whispers of the Holy Spirit and the power of His Word.

I could hope in many other resources as well. If I find myself hoping this or that will happen, I’m hoping in my own ideas, not God. (He always surprises me.) If I’m relying on other people or other powers, then I am not hoping in God. Again, He can use other sources to fulfill my hopes, but none of them should be my first thought if I want to be happy and blessed.

Lord Jesus, these are simple thoughts yet basic to life. Everyone wants to be happy and blessed knowing You and Your grace. Whenever I cannot feel or see solutions, the enemy dangles something else in front of me with the idea that if I have whatever he suggests, I will be happy and blessed. This is not true. Protect me from the evil one and his lies by always reminding me that You are my hope and I’m always secure in trusting You.

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