July 19, 2022

An amazing NT Prayer Guide


READ Mark 5–8

Each morning starts with singing, not that I sing well but to turn my thoughts to the wonder of God and the love of Christ. Then I read His Word asking Him to speak to me. What He says turns into praying back to Him about whatever He puts in my heart. after that, I write it down, try to apply it during the day, and post it later (because He told me to post my devotions). Today’s reading became a prayer outline, never happened before but here it is:

5:1-20. Lord, release SM from demonic influences. No one can get through to her but You.

5:21-34. Jesus, enable DD to touch the hem of Your garment and be healed.

5:35-43. God, have mercy on the families with children who are very ill in our local children’s hospital, and the children on Compassion’s prayer calendar

6:1-6. God, change the hearts of those hardened in unbelief, particularly those in cults and false religions.

6:7-13. Lord, send workers into this world of needy and spiritually blind people.

6:14-29. John the Baptist put a focus on repentance and he was killed. It seems that focus on repentance is missing in many ‘churches’ and needs to be restored. Lord, may You bring back the simple truths of the Gospel especially in those churches who have lost it and preach everything but.

6:30-44. This story about feeding thousands happened because You had compassion on them. Give Your people that same abundant compassion for a world of needy people, sheep without a shepherd.

6:45-52. Jesus, when the disciples were hardened and didn’t ‘get it’ at all, You astounded them. We need You to do that for us and revive our hearts to hear and understand what You are saying and doing in our midst.

6:53-56. Lord, You have compassion on those who are sick and afraid of dying. Sometimes it is easy to dismiss fears like that because we know that death is not the end. Increase our awareness that not everyone is certain of their eternal destiny and give us Your compassion for them. Healing of the body may not happen, yet You can give each one the realization that all is well with their soul. May we be able to encourage those who are fearful of trusting You.

7:1-13. Jesus, may Your people not get caught up in tradition or “this is the way we have always done it” to the point that we stop listening to Your Spirit and cease to be creative in how we do things. Not that routine and stability are bad, but habit can weaken our focus on fresh ideas from You. Help us always to remember what is vital and not lose our love for the Gospel.

7:14-23. May we always realize the need for inner purity, not being content with looking good on the outside. You know our hearts. Deal with our hypocrisy and any pretense that is an insult to the power of being filled to overflowing with Your Spirit.

7:24-30. Lord, help me remember that non-Christians also pray, maybe without assurance of being heard but certainly with a sense of helplessness and need. Be gracious to them and draw them close, hearing their hearts and showing them Your great love and mercy. May I be like You toward them also.

7:31-37. Jesus, open deaf ears to hear You speak. Open dumb mouths that others might hear what You have said to anyone unable to express what they want to say. I think of many who seldom share the work You have done in their lives. May they hear You loud and clear and may their hearts be so full of Your blessing that they are eager to share it with others.

8:1-10. Jesus, You so easily fed bread and fish to the multitudes. I know that You can also feed hungry souls. Sometimes You want us who believe in You to supply the food. Our offering seems so insufficient for such great needs, yet You can use it in ways we cannot. May we give what we have and let You use it as You will.

8:11-13. When anyone mocks ‘prove it’ — or sincerely looks for ‘proof’ concerning You, give us wisdom so we know how to respond.

8:14-21. Help each of us recognize and turn away from false teaching. We all need Your Word. Give us a deep hunger for it, plus enlighten us to what it means and how to apply it to our lives. Give us godly responses to what we hear from those who would otherwise deceive us.

8:22-26. Again, open blind eyes to see and understand truth.

8:27-30. And again, reveal the truth of who You are and what You have done to all who follow You . . . and then enable us with boldness to declare it loud and clear!

8:31-9:1. Set our minds on the things of God. Help us realize the purpose of Your death. Help us also to realize the purpose of our own suffering and sacrifices. I need to lose my life for Your sake and in doing that, I will see Your kingdom come with power!

Jesus, You never fail to amaze me, giving me each day what I need to live for You.


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