July 15, 2020

Revive us to be makers of peace . . .

Joshua 22; Acts 2; Jeremiah 11; Matthew 25

What a delight to have a conversation with someone in which you both sense that you are ‘speaking my language’ and are of one mind on many matters. This is something like what happened on the day of Pentecost when the early church experienced the arrival of the Holy Spirit.

Acts describes this great event in scenes. Chapter One tells how the believers waited for it. They observed that Jesus ascended to heaven. They united as they replaced Judas with another apostle. They were together in one place — and then it happened. The Spirit came, they were filled. They began to speak so that everyone understood them and listened. Peter preached the Gospel. People repented by the thousands. Those who believed were of one mind in fellowship and “the Lord added to their number day by day those who were being saved.”

This description can be ‘generalized’ to show that the Spirit works like this in the church today and in individual lives. First, I must wait for the Spirit of God. He comes and fills at His own choice and timing. I cannot make that happen. I need to be at one with my brothers and sisters in Christ. Dissention between us puts up a barricade for the Spirit. His concern is our unity for unity also describes Father, Son and Spirit. If we fight or argue or make a big deal over our differences, we are not like Him.

I am aware that Jesus reigns from His heavenly throne. He is our sovereign King, leader of all His people. This also is seen in unity for division reveals that someone or something else is usurping His authority.

If anyone is ‘missing’ either by dissention or any other reason, my concern should be filling in that blank space. For me, this suggests those who are not believers or have dropped out for any reason must be encouraged into full faith and a place in the Body of Christ. Judas was replaced but those on the fringes or those upset by the church should not be forgotten or dismissed. I believe that this concern is also God’s concern. It is part of what unity involves — that we are all unified as one Body in Him.

Will the Holy Spirit then fill all of us? I’m not a prophet and cannot claim to know for sure, but it seems to me that previous revivals are similar to what happened at Pentecost when these conditions were fulfilled. The people of God are waiting on Him with a deep conviction of His Lordship and a concern that all who believe are united and of the same mind. Then it happens . . .

And suddenly there came from heaven a sound like a mighty rushing wind, and it filled the entire house where they were sitting. And divided tongues as of fire appeared to them and rested on each one of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance. (Acts 2:2–4)

 In this generalized analogy, speaking in tongues is not so much about other languages but speaking in such a way that people outside the faith understand what I am saying, that they have this sense of being known, that I understand their heart, where they are coming from. That means going to their level, as Paul said, becoming all things to all people. The Spirit makes me willing to share my heart and in that openness being able to discern and identify with the needs and deepest longings of the hearts of others, even those whose lives are not at all like mine, at least on the surface. It seems to me that this event shows the need of Christians like myself to really connect with people who have no faith, who need Jesus, who struggle with their sinfulness. I’ve been there too. They cannot identify with my life in Christ but I can identify with their life without Him. I need to speak their language, not expecting them to understand mine.

But of course this is the point — when the Spirit fills His people, other people understand what we are saying! It opens them up to hear the Gospel and even to be saved and enter fellowship with the Body of Christ — where we are in harmony and concerned for the eternal well-being of everyone else.

APPLY: God works in patterns. This first section of Acts is a pattern for revival, much needed in our messy and confused world. I know where my next step must be and need the power of the Holy Spirit so I can go where people are in their fears and problems and speak in a way that helps them realize that God knows them and has done a mighty saving work so that they can be at peace with Him and in harmony with His people.



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