July 16, 2018

Only God?

If put in a dark cave without food like the soccer boys in Thailand, and even without another person to talk to, would I be at rest knowing that God is with me? Some days, I think I would be okay with that, but I cannot know for sure unless it really happened. God promises to be enough for me yet could I be content with having everything else taken from me?

Tozer says, “Being lonely in this world will only drive you to a closer communion with the God who has promised never to leave you or forsake you. He is altogether good and He is faithful. He will never break His covenant or alter that which has gone from His mouth. He has promised to keep you as the apple of His eye. He has promised to watch over you as a mother watches over her child.”

His Old Testament people were able to praise Him in many situations. One high moment was when they were delivered from bondage in Egypt. Moses and God’s people sang a song that included these words:

“The Lord is my strength and my song, and he has become my salvation; this is my God, and I will praise him, my father’s God, and I will exalt him.” (Exodus 15:2)

Life does have its high moments, but there are rough spots too. In the ups and downs of life, my worship tends to a similar pattern. There are great times of sensing His presence and focusing on nothing else. There are lows when I am stressed, forgetful of His faithfulness or worse, indifferent to His promises.

Thankfully, God is not like me. My estimate of my spiritual condition can be based on emotions, thoughts buzzing through my head, or the circumstances around me, but God never does that. He evaluates who I am and what is true about me according to Jesus Christ. As a current favorite chorus says, “I am a child of God.” As the Bible says, I am a new creation, redeemed and safe in the arms of Jesus.

Some days, a strong poke in the ribs or a slap on the side of the head is needed to remind me that God is my strength and my song, that Jesus Christ is my Savior (I am not), and that I ought to be praising Him rather than feeling blue or feeling sorry for myself. The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not be lacking anything — even if I was alone, in darkness, and without anything or anyone else.

Jesus, there are days when I feel alone, abandoned, helpless and hopeless. You promise to never leave or forsake me. You are my strength and can put songs in my heart. You have saved me from sin and I need to use the energy You give to praise You and lift Your name on high — in or out of the valleys.

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