July 24, 2018


Usually I’m happy being alone but there are some days that is not true. The Holy Spirit reminded me today of a verse from the days of creation. God made Adam then said, “It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him.” (Genesis 2:18)

I’ve thought this was a gender distinction but decided to look up that word for ‘man’ and discovered it is usually used for mankind, not just men. In the above verse, there was only one of them on earth at that time. The Hebrew word is ‘adam’ and it became the first man’s name, but the point is, God said it is not good for any of us to be alone. All of us need companionship and helpers as we go through life. I can also see this in today’s verses:

“I will bless the Lord at all times; his praise shall continually be in my mouth. My soul makes its boast in the Lord; let the humble hear and be glad. Oh, magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt his name together!” (Psalm 34:1–3)

The psalmist starts out alone, but quickly changes to include others. First his praise is to God, but that praise is heard by those who are humble and it makes them glad. Finally, he bids them and others to praise the Lord with him. He is not solitary in his worship.

Throughout Scripture, people usually do things with other people. The instances when people are alone are often occasions for God to grab their attention or test them in some way. This is a reminder that spending all my time with others can distract me from hearing God, even from those tests that come in solitude. Yet I also realize the importance of being with others to share our praise and lift up the Lord together. Mutual worship brings mutual edification.

Also, when I get my eyes off the Lord, I begin evaluating life by what I can see or what I cannot see. Instead of trusting Him to hear and answer my prayers, I’m discouraged that nothing is happening. I’m not always in that pessimistic place, but when I am, someone who is not there can pull me out of it as we share our lives and talk about Jesus. Other Christians often remind me of who God is and the greatness of His power. If I am in a slump, I need to call someone and tell them. We might slump together, but usually not.

So I cannot say only men should not be alone. It is not good for women either. We need each other to keep a godly perspective on life and to share in praising God.

Tozer says, “God calls us to magnify Him, to see Him big.” I’ve told others, “Pray big prayers, because we have a big God.” I need to remember those words too, and instead of moaning that nothing is going on, I need to walk by faith realizing that He is still on the throne, whether I can see what He is doing or not.

Jesus, thanks for these reminders. I will call three Christian friends, trusting You to use them in my life and me in their lives. Either way, fill me with Your Spirit so I can walk by faith today. Thank You that I am in Your family and that I know others I can call and encourage them to walk by faith with me.

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