After a long day of putting that new color on some of her walls, a small voice asked me this morning, Why are you doing this? While I love my daughter and that could be enough motivation, I’ve learned to follow another motivation that sustains me longer and certainly keeps me from complaining. It is found in yesterday’s Bible verses.
Be kindly affectionate to one another with brotherly love, in honor giving preference to one another; not lagging in diligence, fervent in spirit, serving the Lord; rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation, continuing steadfastly in prayer; distributing to the needs of the saints, given to hospitality, willing to paint an entire condo. (Romans 12:10-13, italics obviously mine!)Years ago, when my children were small and my husband was working far away and only able to be home on the weekends, I found the task of being both mom and dad very difficult. Not only that, we lived on a farm and some of my outside chores were challenging. I prayed for help with all of this, and the Lord simply said, “Do it for me.”
It was a new idea, but this put a spring in my step. The work seemed easier and I was more aware of His presence as I did it. I can remember my husband thanking me for something and for the first time thinking, I did it for you, but I really did it for Jesus.
Since those early days, God has shown my why this motivation means greater energy and enthusiasm. It is because no one can truly serve the Lord in their own strength. As I do anything for Him, I also must rely on Him as my resource. It is as Paul wrote . . .
To this end I also labor, striving according to His working which works in me mightily. (Colossians 1:29)Sometimes people question how I can “do so much” and this is the only answer. Every morning begins with the Word of God and prayer. I have a rough plan for the day, but more than the plan is the full intention to do or meet whatever comes my way in the power of God. If I rely on myself, I will do what I feel like doing, the interruptions will be annoying or distracting, the less-than-fun chores will be avoided, and I will simply refuse to do the tough stuff. Instead, by giving all of the list to the Lord and doing it for Him, I’ve learned that in His strength I can do the difficult things first, usually far more quickly than expected, and have plenty of time left for what is more enjoyable.
Another benefit from this is that He gives me the ability to enjoy the work instead of dreading it, even those tough chores. Also, should my body ache at the end of it, I’ve found that because it was done for Jesus, my usual complaining is replaced by a thankful spirit.
Following Jesus is amazing. He has made such an astounding difference in everything I do, including both ordinary chores and those challenging chores that I don’t like much. This week I’m rejoicing that He is also here for me in the task of painting a condo.
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