June 6, 2006

A song in my heart

“You are my hiding place; You shall preserve me from trouble; You shall surround me with songs of deliverance.” (Psalm 32:7, NKJV)

There is a contemporary chorus inspired by this psalm. It goes something like this:
“You are my hiding place;
you always fill my heart
with songs of deliverance.
Whenever I am afraid
I will trust in You . . . .”

The first time I heard it I was terribly afraid. Something had happened to me that shattered my emotions and made mockery of all that I believed. Numb, yet life had to go on. One morning I was in a classroom, about to start a session on church history or something unrelated to the despair I was feeling. The professor entered the room and without a word walked over to the piano. He started to play. The rest of the class, who knew the chorus, began to sing.

The words washed over me like warm oil. God used them to fill my heart with His reassurance. He would deliver me. He was watching over me. I could hide in Him. I could trust Him even in this terrible situation.

The class sang the song a few other mornings, either with that same professor on the piano or one of the students before he arrived. I’ve not heard it since those days in that class, but it echos in my heart as a beautiful melody with certainly the most encouraging words. The promise from the Word of God itself became my song of deliverance.

The pressures of that trial endured for months, but during the darkest days, God brought His promise back to me in this melody. Even now, years later, the horror has faded to a memory, but the song still fills my heart, whether I am fearful or just want to praise His faithfulness.

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