February 19, 2019

In a fog about God?

Yesterday I mentioned reading an article entitled, “The silliest story ever told” that ridiculed the biblical story of Jesus Christ. This morning I read a response to comment on a video about exercise. The first comment said that God lead him to that channel and wanted to bless the person who had done the video. The reply to that comment said that he needed to have his mental health examined if he thought God led him to this video.

Both items made me feel sad, a bit annoyed, and somewhat apologetic. I wanted to take the people by the shoulders who dismissed the Lord and say, “You just don't understand.” But I know that it's God who creates understanding. I cannot talk anyone into it.

I also realize that much of the story of Jesus Christ does sound silly to the rational human mind. This morning, I tried to see some of that in the events common to each of the first three gospel accounts in the New Testament.

The first one sounds okay; John the Baptist announces that the Messiah is coming. But if that event is connected with Old Testament prophecy as the Gospel writers affirm, then it becomes suspect. The rational thinker assumes that no one knows the future not even the people of God 600 years ago. So to them, that part of the story is silly.

The second is the baptism of the Savior. A rational human mind would ask what significance is there in being dunked in water? Even if they understand that this is a symbolism, it makes no sense. Some sort of false teaching might say that baptism washes away sin but that makes no sense either. Those NT writers say that Jesus didn't sin so why did He have to be baptized? To them, this is also silly.

Third, all three of the gospels describe the temptation of Jesus Christ. If He is God what is the point? It makes more sense to say He is a man and is tempted like everyone else. Jesus responded to temptation with Scripture. It may make sense to use Bible verses to give a person a way of thinking to keep them from ‘error’ but only if that is what a person wants to believe. But to a rational thinker repeating verse of Scripture does not give anyone in any special power — no more than saying abracadabra does. So that one is silly too

Teachings and the miracles of Jesus are also irrational to the average human mind. They make no sense. Raising up a man who has been in a grave for 3 days? Really? What sense can a reasonable person make of that? Most will conclude somebody made it up.

I recently read an entire book that gives reasons that belief in Christ makes no sense. However it was written by a Christian theologian whose bottom line is valid. He concludes that unless God opens our hearts and gives us the gift of faith, none of it makes sense. it is silly.

Yet because God does open hearts and minds and grants faith to people, millions of people realize that all the sayings, the stories, drama, the teachings, the miracles, everything in the Scripture is true. It happened. Jesus did say those things. Jesus did do those things. We say we know this is true by faith, but faith is actually a gift to understand and verify the revelation God gives.

I imagine looking off to the horizon but there's a fog and nothing can be seen. Then the fog is lifted and reveals a string of mountains. They are blurry. Are they real? Then I am handed binoculars and with them the mountains can be clearly seen. I have no doubt they are actually there, not a mirage or a figment of my imagination or an illusion.

It is the same with knowing God. I could not see Him until He lifted the fog and handed me the binoculars. The words and events in the story were a blur and made no sense until God granted the ability to see what He is doing and has done, and with such clarity that I realize it is totally true.

I cannot make that happen. No one else can make that happen. We can seek the mountains. We can see something through the fog. But until He hands us the binoculars, we cannot make sense of it. The only thing we can do is keep looking. God promises that if we search for Him, we will find Him.

You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart. (Jeremiah 29:13)

And if the fog is still there, then He will grant faith. It is given and we can narrow our search enabling us to be recipients of that gift.

So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ. (Romans 10:17)

Jesus, I read the Bible for many years without any understanding of what I was reading. I didn’t think it was silly, but it certainly was covered in fog. Why did it take so long for revelation and faith to come? Perhaps the most obvious reason is that pride in my IQ created the fog. Now, as I think on these things, I am greatly aware that my salvation, even my very life, totally depends on You.

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