March 18, 2018

Not enough talk? Or not enough walk?

A few years ago, I was in a situation where I didn’t know whether to speak up or shut up. I felt like yelling but had a sense of being bound and unable to. I told my sister about it and she quoted, “Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.” Today’s Scripture reading reminds me of that instance:

For the Lord gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding; he stores up sound wisdom for the upright; he is a shield to those who walk in integrity. (Proverbs 2:6–7)

The Bible agrees that our walk and talk should match. However, some think Christians should talk less and do more, while today’s devotional reading suggests we should talk more. Tozer says that perhaps there is so much sin in the world because the church is silent, not speaking out against it. Is this true? Have we lost our influence because we have lost our voice?

I look at the evils in society and the lack of respect for righteousness and wonder if I should blame myself and God’s people for not speaking. Blame is easy. Adam blamed Eve and Eve blamed the serpent, so it seems refusing to take responsibility is part of what sinners do. Most women blame themselves for family and marriage problems, even stuff that is not our fault. It seems to me that if accused, I ought to carefully consider it. Is it warranted? Or not?

I agree that the church is not as respected as it once was. However, is that lack of respect something earned? Or is it the result of increased sinfulness in people who reject God? When Jesus came, He lived a perfect life and should have had a positive effect on people in His day. While some believed, the majority cried to crucify Him. Would a perfect church guarantee a perfect society? Likely not.

I wish I could do something about the evils in the world. Does fear of any whiplash keep me silent about bad movies, twisted morals, suspicious media, and other garbage? Am I too timid to jump in with both feet and a loud mouth? I’m thinking not. While not a rabble-rouser, I’ve had times of standing up against sinful behavior and thinking nothing of my own hide. I can remember times of having the ‘liberty’ of the Spirit’s presence and was bold as a lion. However, most of the time I am not feisty about my faith. I’m motivated to pray, but not to march in protest, mostly because I know that the Lord God is far more powerful and able to make change happen than I am.

Tozer says God’s people may be sinning against God by guilty silence and that we need to become vocal and active — before God will fight for truth. Perhaps the greater problem is being silent in the sense of not praying, and not listening for His direction when we do? Another issue concerns more than our mouths: 

Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. (Romans 12:2)

Mind renewal involves letting the Word of God change me. I’m to read, study, digest, meditate, and obey it. Is the church of God lax in that department? We go to a strong, Bible-believing local church, but many will attest to the challenge of being transformed rather than conformed.

That relates to another part of the problem. Are the people of God able to speak to the challenges raised concerning the existence of God, the reliability of the Bible, the reality of redemption, even the issue of creation vs. evolution? Can we make a solid case of how God can be sovereign — yet we have the ability to make choices? Can we tell them how three Persons can be One God? Can we explain prayer?

Yet Christianity is not a position won by debate. It is the work of God in human hearts using the power of His Word and the gifts of grace and faith. We need to speak, but we also need to be on our knees — relying on Him to convict and convince. I know that my oratory powers are zero without the power of the Holy Spirit in them. I also know that without dealing with my own sin, that Spirit is not going to use me.

Jesus, the world is a mess. At times, it seems that the church is also falling and failing. Yet I believe that history is happening under Your sovereign power and grace. We don’t want this slide into darkness. We want our light to shine, yet I know You are able to give us what we need to both speak up or shut up. What I really hope for is the faith to always do whatever it is You ask, interpreting You correctly and being totally willing to always obey You.

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