July 24, 2011

Standing still

God’s people were backed into a corner. It seemed that they would perish. They had no hope and no resources. However, Moses said to them, “Do not be afraid. Stand still, and see the salvation of the LORD, which He will accomplish for you today. . . .” (Exodus 14:13)

I can imagine how they felt. Some circumstances in my life are beyond my control and seem impossible. For instance, unless God does something, unsaved family members will perish. I have concerns for unresolved issues in the lives of others that are holding them in bondage. Personally, I know that unless God is involved, there will be no eternal benefits from anything that I do.

When I think about these and other difficulties, I could be afraid and want to run away, or stay but fall into despair. Certainly thoughts like, “give up” come into my head. Yet I know that the only thing God wants me to give up is the sin in my life, including reliance on myself and retreating as if He is not listening to my prayers.

Another voice that nags at me says, “Do something” as if I could fix things, or as if waiting on God was some sort of avoidance of responsibility. Presumption also says that if I just move forward anyway, God will jump in and help me.

The other line I hear is that ditty, “Don’t worry, be happy.” While there is biblical truth in not worrying and being joyful, worry is not the same as a burden to pray and happy is not a carefree, nothing matters attitude. Don’t worry, be happy can be like faith, but more often it is complacency.

Spurgeon encourages me today by saying that trusting God means that my faith will not listen to presumption, despair, cowardice, or that itch to take rash action. Faith hears God and if God says, “Stand still,” then faith is as immovable as a rock.

Further, standing still is not a pose of frozen in fear.  It is the posture of trust and of being ready for action. It is cheerfully and patiently expecting God to do something. He might give me further orders to go forward or do something, but He might simply let me watch while He does something.


Oh Lord, I struggle with being idle in these issues. One positive about it is knowing You want me to talk with You and express my trust as I present these impossible burdens to You, and do so as long as Your command to stand still remains. I know that nothing is impossible for You. Your arm is not shortened that it cannot save. You will finish all that You start. You are building Your church and the gates of hell cannot prevail against it. While You might use me to accomplish Your will, You do not need me. Sometimes standing still means to just keep out of Your way and let You do Your work.

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