Pepper loved it. He patiently stood while she hitched him up and never once resisted her make-believe. I’ve seen other dogs who would resist such demands, even bite anyone who tried it, but not this one.
Pepper no doubt had a good disposition, but I’m sure that the attitude of our daughter had some bearing on his delight to serve her. She loved that dog and was gentle and kind to it, talking and encouraging with her voice and helping him do the job she wanted. I’m sure Pepper knew that he was precious to her. I thought of him and her attitude when I read these verses this morning.
Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light. (Matthew 11:28-30)Jesus invites those who carry heavy loads to come to Him. He can make the load seem like nothing. In fact, the New Testament language here indicates that the burden is a full load of freight, but the second word describing His load is only the paper invoice.
My life is filled with what could look like burdens. I’m responsible for enough tasks that people often say, “How do you get so much done?” or “What a lot of work . . . I don’t have the patience.” However, I’ve noticed when it comes to Bible study preparation or teaching Sunday school or anything directly involved with church ministry, my Christian friends never say that. I’m wondering if this is because they know the difference between heavy burdens and doing things with Christ beside me in the same yoke?
My ‘verse for the year’ is John 15:5, “I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing” (John 15:5). After years of being a Christian, I still need reminders of the importance of abiding in Him, of obeying Him and doing His work His way. It is the same as doing as He asks instead of taking on too much. It is taking on His yoke instead of a large load that is too much for me.
I’ve also learned that it applies to everything on my list: work in my home, designing and updating web pages, my responsibilities in a writer’s group, all art projects, and teaching both at church and in quilting classes. Apart from Christ, everything on that list is difficult or takes a long time, or becomes tedious or boring. He makes everything easier and lighter, and that is the secret.
When I am relying on Him and abiding in Him, the task is joyful. He gives me a new attitude, and like Pepper, I can gladly be a workhorse, if that is what He wants me to do. Because of Jesus, my to-do list is merely a piece of paper and each task feels like paper is all that I am carrying. He makes the difference between a full load and an invoice.
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