I’m not a rocket scientist, but that doesn’t make much sense. Why not pick higher ground? Other spots are as scenic, or as remote, or whatever it is these house builders are looking for. Why risk having everything wiped out, not just once, but every year?
I should talk. This bit of Scripture reminds me of the floods of Topanga Canyon, but it isn’t talking about that kind of flood. It is talking about my kind of senselessness. How many times have I sinned the same sin? How many times have I insisted on my way only to find one more time that my way isn’t profitable? I don’t listen to experience very well either. No wonder Jesus said,
Therefore whoever hears these sayings of Mine, and does them, I will liken him to a wise man who built his house on the rock: and the rain descended, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house; and it did not fall, for it was founded on the rock. (Matthew 7:24-25)The house founded on the rock represents a life of obedience to the Word of God. It’s being more concerned about righteousness than form or public opinion. It’s being genuine rather than a hypocrite. It seeks God’s righteousness rather than self-righteousness.
This kind of life sets aside pride and this stubborn determination to have my own way. I know that when I obey God, I will be humble and do what He wants. I know I will give more attention to others than myself. I will also be alert to sin and keep short accounts with God. When my life is in the right place, when troubles come I’ve no backlog to clear. Instead, I am instantly able to turn to the One who can give me wisdom and the ability to face those troubles squarely. I will not fall.
Even if I have done something wrong, if following Jesus is my heart’s desire, instead of rebuilding in the same place after He forgives me, I get up and move to where God wants me to be – on solid ground based on His Word.
Total obedience is the ideal, the solid rock. I’m not there, and I’m no better than the builders in Topanga when I make mistakes and keep making them, time after time, year after year. What am I looking for? God promises a life that will withstand anything. All I need to do is build it based on the blueprints.
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