Many people have tried to describe the peace of God. It’s a bird on its nest sheltered in the cleft of a rock during a violent storm. It’s the smallest child nestled against its mother’s breast. It is the confidence that my Father in heaven loves me. It is deep, there even when I am afraid. It is not easy to describe.
Jesus said, “These things I have spoken to you, that I Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world” (John 16:33).
Peace, whatever else it might be, is in Jesus. He lives in His people; He lives in me. Because He is here in my heart, I experience His peace. It isn’t about what is happening on the outside. It is what is happening on the inside. It is a precious gift from God.
Oh, I could push this peace aside and make it seem far away. Worry will do it, even fatigue, but that incredible peace never completely vanishes. It is always here, always settled in my heart and ready to give me what I need to overcome the world and all its tribulation.
Overcoming means that when my heart is filled with His peace, the trials, bad news, conflicts and problems do not disappear, but remain just as Jesus said they would. I overcome because He overcomes, and the peace He gives is one that remains undisturbed by whatever is happening.
But it goes farther than that. For one thing, the analogy of a bird safe on its nest isn’t quite the right picture. I’ve known too many ‘birds’ that were perfectly safe and still fretted and worried all the time. I’ve been there myself. Peace isn’t about safety, or even about feeling safe. I can be in a flap too, yet still have peace. It is odd that way, because this peace Jesus gives isn’t about what I am doing or feeling or experiencing, but about what God is doing.
We were out of town this weekend and in our travels happened to visit with a retired missionary. Several of us were talking about the lack of personal safety and the many dangers in today’s world, even in the small towns and farms where we were. I remembered and told them about going to visit an elderly Christian woman one evening many years ago. She was anxious for me when I arrived and said I should not go out at night. I told her that I believed God had “angels who watched over me” and kept me safe.
When I told them about this, I also said that I had since determined to live by that statement of faith. The retired missionary said, “Yes, but the angels are not going to take care of you if you do something foolish.”
I nodded, but thought about what she said for the rest of the day. My conclusion is this: if God’s protection depends on me playing it safe, then I don’t need protection. If I only do wise things, do I need angels? Her statement seemed too much a parallel to: “God only saves you if you are good,” and that certainly is not true.
In my thinking I ought to listen to God and do what He says. If He indicates I should go out at night and visit someone, then I should go. It might seem foolish to some, but He promises that if I follow His leading, I will not run into anything He has not planned.
For me, this is a part of the description of the peace of God. Anyone who knows Him, is and what He can do, knows that He keeps His promises. I know He is taking care of me. Yes, I need to listen and obey, but even if I do something dumb or foolish, He is still taking care of me. He didn’t say, “Elsie, I will watch over you, but only if you are good.”
In this world I will have trouble. Some of it might even be my own doing, but I have the peace of God and the promises of God because of Jesus, the One who has overcome the world. Instead of trying to control my life, protect myself, hide always in a “safe” place, and always make wise and perfect choices, I can trust Him. He is watching over me, no matter what I do.
In Jesus and because of His overcoming power, I’m free to live my life, go where He leads me, even mess up and head the wrong direction at times, and not be fearful that God will shake His head and leave me alone. To me, this is the core of the peace that Jesus gives. It is a peace that stands firm on the fact that whatever happens to me—I remain safe in the hands of God.
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