We have items on the calendar that call for more than the usual, and surprises that pop up with a frequency that always seem to require more than what we have — more energy, more ideas, more of God’s supply, causing us to rely on Him more often and more deeply than ever. And this is a good thing. It shows the reality of these words:
The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. “The Lord is my portion,” says my soul, “therefore I will hope in him.” (Lamentations 3:22-24)Last night we prayed with another couple who has concerns for the spiritual life of their large family. This has been happening for about twenty years without seeing answers, but last night they read an email from one son who praised God for His provisions, and his parents for their faithful prayers. God’s timing might seem slow, but His steadfast love and mercy is great and He rewards those who hope in Him.
I only know a few who read these devotions yet realize many could be in the same situation — praying for years and not seeing answers. It is easy to give up, to go on to other things or to think that God is not listening or not ever going to do anything toward the prayed-for changes. My heart is saying ‘don’t give up.’ His timing is not our timing, but He hears our prayers.
This I also read with joy from Charnock’s book, “The Existence and Attributes of God”…
Since God is not only so good that he cannot will anything but what is good; so wise that he cannot err or mistake; but also so able that he cannot be defeated or mated; he hath every way a full ability to govern the world: where those three (Father, Son, Holy Spirit) are infinite, the right and fitness resulting from thence is unquestionable and indeed, to deny God this active part of his power, is to render him weak, foolish, cruel, or all three.The four of us who have been praying for this son and other family members agree that in those many years, God has definitely changed us. This is His goodness. We now pray for different things, less for the comfort and well-being of our family members and more that God will use all things to draw them into a deep relationship with Himself. We first prayed for things that would give us comfort and joy, but now pray more for God’s glory — because when He is glorified, the joy we receive is much greater than having any answers that suit our wishes.
PRAY: Lord, after sleeping in and looking at the demands of the day, how good of You to remind me again that Your love never ends and is new every morning. It does not depend on my performance, nor having check marks on my to-do list. It does not depend on answered prayer even though You do that more often than ever before. The joy You give is in You, in Your faithfulness and mercy. When it comes to that, none of Your goodness is earned or deserved, but by grace we are saved. . . . and blessed. . . . and blessed. . . . and blessed. My heart overflows with praise and thanksgiving for all that You do, therefore I continue to hope in You.
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