February 25, 2018

Prayer that God hears

I’m not always clear on what God wants on my to-do list, but one thing is certain — I must pray. For a long time, prayer was hard work. I didn’t want to do it. Finally, I realized my resistance was not about praying as it was about my habit that goes with it. Because of my easily distracted mind, I walk when I pray and the longer the prayer list, the more tiring the exercise!

Lately I’ve noticed that I cannot remember what I prayed. Words come easy and I usually don’t have to fuss over what to say. I’ve wondered why and this morning’s devotional explains. Tozer blesses my heart with these words . . .
“The spiritual quality of a prayer is determined not by its intensity but by its origin. In evaluating prayer we should inquire who is doing the praying — our determined hearts or the Holy Spirit? If the prayer originates with the Holy Spirit, then the wrestling can be beautiful and wonderful; but if we are the victims of our own overheated desires, our praying can be as carnal as any other act.”
Could it be that the Holy Spirit is doing the work of prayer for me? According to these verses, that is a real possibility . . .
But if we hope for what we do not see, we wait for it with patience. Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words. And he who searches hearts knows what is the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints according to the will of God. (Romans 8:25–27)
How cool is that! However, I’m puzzled over “groanings too deep for words.” It sounds as if praying in the Spirit is more like moaning and not saying much. How can that be?

Looking deeper, these verses tell me that in my ignorance of what to pray for and how to present those requests, the Spirit prays my requests for me. I may not hear His words, but He is involved. As one writer says, the Spirit comes to my aid when I am baffled by how to pray and takes my concerns to God with an intensity far greater than I could ever imagine. My unspoken groans become His prayer as He intercedes on my behalf.

The bottom line is that God is aware of my troubles, even those that are never verbalized. He sent His Spirit to commune with Him more deeply than I can express my burdens. He cares and groans with me, an expression of His deep love and concern. Because His prayer is in His own words, they are words “too deep for human utterance.”

My prayers are insufficient if they are ignorant of God’s will. That is why these verses comfort me. What I do not know about the will of God, His Spirit does. He prays and translates so my communion with God fits the will of the Father.
Some prayers seem to go unanswered. These verses suggest that if what I ask God is contrary to His will, then the Spirit prays for what I need according to the will of God. That is, I can pray for something and the Spirit may pray, “No, that is not the best for her. Do this instead. . . .”

Therefore, I should not wonder why some prayers seem to go unanswered. What went up from my lips is not necessarily what the ears of God heard. Instead, it was the Spirit’s prayer and God answered it instead of mine. I can rest in that, and pray as Tozer says — sincerely, humbly, and yielded to the will of God, knowing that what comes to His ears will be accepted and answered with ‘yes.’

Jesus, this is a mystery. Not only do You want me to talk to You, but You know what is best for me. Your Spirit interprets what I ask for so that I am praying in Your will even when I do not know it! I’m grateful and humbled to realize You have taken care of my weakness regarding how to pray. I need to rely on You for everything, even this.

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