Back in the day when I painted landscapes, I noticed that even the most appeal scenes increased in their appeal by the addition of a living thing. It might be a bird in the distant sky or a small rabbit in the grass. Even insects added life and turned a scenic still life into a more vibrant vista.

And why are you anxious about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin… if God so clothes the grass of the field, which today is alive and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, will he not much more clothe you, O you of little faith? (Matthew 6:28, 30)
I cannot imagine a God who doesn’t
love nature, but this One God looks at the lilies of the field and sees more
than lovely flowers. Instead, they remind Him of Solomon in all his glory and He
uses their beauty as a way to illustrate how He takes care of our need for
clothing, even our need for color and form.
Looking at brilliant tulips, colorful
wood ducks and gold, pink and purple sunsets, I’ve often thought that God could
have made them gray. Think of the pleasure of creating wheat fields that wave
in the wind and sandstone that the wind carves into soaring sculptures. Not only
that, He could have given us eyes that only perceived dullness and hearts that
didn’t care about balance, but He didn’t. He gave us scenic wonders scenes and
the ability to appreciate beauty.
The devotional mentions that we can
go overboard in our love of nature though. We can drop out the people and turn it
into a winsome escape from them, an isolation without life. Instead of that
escape, Jesus sets an example. His love for creation never caused Him to
abandon those around Him. Instead, He puts us prominently in the painting and
lets the scene be a lovely backdrop for those whom He loves, and the backdrop
becomes an illustration for the beauty, care and creativity that He intends to
be a blessing for us.
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