Every time I sin, my cup tips over. When I confess my sin, I am upright again and can receive the living water. I was told by the person who offered this illustration that this tipping/upright cycle will be the repeating process throughout life; the best I can aim for is not staying tipped over for very long.
When I read the verse in my devotional book this morning, I remembered my ‘stinkin’ thinkin’ of the past few days and how impossible it seemed to get rid of that bad attitude. Try as I might, godly thoughts eluded me. My cup was tipped over and the source of all goodness could not be poured in.
Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy — meditate on these things. (Philippians 4:8)Even a cursory examination of the things that I think about makes it clear that obedience to this command is possible only through the filling of the Holy Spirit. I cannot do it without Him. When I am tipped over, regardless of the reason, the Liar is easily able to dupe me with anything but the truth. His thoughts might have an element of reality to them, but they certainly are not noble or just or pure or lovely.
But when my cup is right side up, I wake up singing praises. Good thoughts are easy and natural. I’m thankful for the very things I grumbled about when I was tipped over, and see the good and lovely side of things that seemed to elude me only a short time prior.
Proverbs 4:23 says, “Keep (or guard) your heart with all diligence, for out of it spring the issues of life.” When good thinking is poured in by the Holy Spirit and my heart is full of the fruit of His thoughts, then whatever I am doing also becomes true, noble, just, pure, even lovely, virtuous and praiseworthy. My life is far more apt to receive a good report from others and certainly from God. I am far more pleased with it too.
God is good. He wants His people to enjoy goodness, even in our minds. He gives the Holy Spirit so that we might obey Him with joy. Sin really doesn’t make any sense, at least it doesn’t to a cup that is right side up.
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