December 26, 2007

Reasons for Worship

Worship is sometimes defined as a spontaneous response from the heart to the Person and work of our Lord and God. That begs the question of why then schedule ‘worship’ services? How can a clock work with the idea of spontaneous?

I know people who refuse to attend ‘worship’ services or church because they claim they don’t get much out of it. This is sad, but it also demonstrates that we live in a me-generation that has forgotten or perhaps never realized that worship is not about me, nor is it even about how I feel. Maybe this is where that definition came from; it is based on how I feel.

A better definition for worship might substitute the word ‘obedient’ or ‘loving’ because if responding to God depends on spontaneity, then worship will simply not happen on those days when I feel blue, discouraged or upset because of some negative situation.

God knows we have those days. One of His provisions is a schedule for corporate worship where His people gather together to praise and honor Him. This is a dominant feature in the Old Testament that carries over into the New Testament. Christians are encouraged to meet with one another often.

The author of Recalling the Hope of Glory lists six benefits of scheduled worship. As I read his words, I’m helped by rewriting them according to my own experience. Therefore, I submit to and rejoice in scheduled times of worship for the following reasons . . .

First, it helps me bring all of life under God. Daily worship brings the day to Him. Weekly worship brings the week, and so on. Having a quiet time with Jesus, and going to church on Sunday remind me of His sovereignty in my life.

Second, believers worshiping with other believers preserves our heritage. We are reminded of God’s dealings with us and with those who have gone before. We retell the history of God’s people and are encouraged by His faithfulness to past generations. We remember all He has done for us and anticipate what He will continue to do as He keeps His promises.

Third, corporate worship each week makes Christians different from the rest of the world. Even though the world’s ways push and shove us in an effort to press us into its mold and blur all distinctions, we can resist Sunday shopping and things like Sunday morning sports as we maintain that weekly worship and celebrate all that God has done for us.

Forth, scheduling worship gives me opportunity to fulfil my duties toward the Lord and the church. For one thing, God calls me to tithe and share what He gives me. If I didn’t go to church, this would not happen. I’m also supposed to encourage other Christians, and if I didn’t see them, I could not obey. Hebrews 10:25 says it clearly, “Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.

Fifth, getting together with others each week (or more often) fosters unity. God gave us a oneness in His Son and through His Spirit, yet we need to cultivate that through common activities of worship. Being together brings us closer together. Scheduled worship brings relationships in our church family closer than would otherwise happen.

Last, when we get together, we can offer praise and worship that is greater and more glorious than I could ever offer on my own. While individual prayer and praise are important to my spiritual life, corporate worship rejuvenates my spirit and encourages me in a fuller, more lasting manner. God knew what He was doing when He had the church set aside the first day of the week to celebrate His power and grace toward us. As we rejoice together, each one is blessed in special ways.

I’ve also noticed this: some Sundays I leave the house for church and have little or no sense of worship in my heart. I feel dry and tired, even me-focused. Yet as we drive into the church parking lot, park and enter the sanctuary, the presence of the Lord begins His work on me. I become filled with joy and responsive to Him because I am more aware of His presence. Then worship becomes spontaneous as my heart overflows in praise for His goodness toward me. I know this would not happen if I stayed home or went shopping, so I am glad for God’s provision of regular, scheduled worship.

Perhaps a seventh reason is that when we get together like this each week, we are reminded of that day when we will be gathered together forever in His presence. There our worship will be completely unhindered, and I’ve a strong sense that we will not need a schedule.

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