March 7, 2011

Attitude Check

Why is it that some people seem naturally able to focus on positives, while others (like me) are more prone to see the down side of life? I don’t like being pessimistic.

For instance, I’ve been remembering this week how many people have let me down or betrayed me over my lifetime. Instead of doing that, why can’t the good experiences stand out? Those times when folks were faithful and helpful? It seems that my gratitude meter is stuck on -10 instead of arcing upwards.

Yet today I read these verses, the Lord reminds that there is a warning from God not to be too much of an optimist when it comes to trusting people.

It is better to take refuge in the LORD than to trust in man. It is better to take refuge in the LORD than to trust in princes. (Psalm 118:8-9)
God knows that the reason for all of my disappointments is having too high expectations. If I think everyone is going to be perfect and never do wrong, I will be surprised and hurt — for this is not the way we are.

Am I always reliable and to be counted on? Do I treat people perfectly? I’d not want that expectation put on me to the point that every time I make a mistake someone else is shattered. Even God is not like that with His children. He knows our nature. He knows that we are prone to sin and selfishness. We are not perfect; He loves us anyway.

Only God is able to never disappoint. Yet that is not to say that I can put unrealistic expectations on Him too. Do I expect God to make my life perfect? To keep me from never having problems? From never making mistakes?

This is silly. Clearly, it is in the imperfections, problems and mistakes of life that I learn humility, faith and that God loves and accepts me just as I am. Grace isn’t about perfection. Walking with Jesus isn’t about never stumbling. He knows that I need His helping hand.

I need to be more like that with others. Instead of hoping for the best and moaning about anything less, Jesus simply loves me and pitches in for me. He knows that I’m going to fail Him, but that did not stop Him from dying for me or from being my best Friend.

Lord, another part of this is that Your Word says that You are able to make Your people stand. So if another Christian disappoints me, then mu attitude reflects that I’m actually displeased with how You are managing their life, as if I know how to manage someone’s life. I cannot do this with my own choices and decisions. Like everyone else, I need You continually.

Forgive me for such demands and such lack of gratitude for other people and for Your dealings with me. Help me remember that if I got what I deserve (instead of Your mercy), I wouldn’t have any right to complain about that either. Thank you for the attitude check. Keep me thinking rightly about myself and about others, and mostly about You.

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