One of my favorite cooking magazines is called “Light Comfort Food.” Perhaps everyone has her own version of what foods are comforting, but so far, every recipe in this collection does it for me. (Maybe I just like all food!)
When it comes to people who comfort, the Bible has
some suggestions for a recipe. This one is in the closing of one of Paul’s
letters and uses an unusual word for ‘comfort.’
Aristarchus my fellow prisoner greets you, and Mark the cousin of Barnabas (concerning whom you have received instructions—if he comes to you, welcome him), and Jesus who is called Justus. These are the only men of the circumcision among my fellow workers for the kingdom of God, and they have been a comfort to me. (Colossians 4:10–11)

“Paregoric” in English refers to medicine that
mitigates or alleviates pain. Paul said that his coworkers were like that. What
I want to know is how did they do it? Being a “pain” to others is easy, but it
is not so easy to be one who alleviates pain. In the context of Paul’s writing,
he is not talking about physical pain either. More likely he refers to the pain
of hard work, confusion, struggles, loneliness, feeling empty and being
Sometimes others give us that kind pain without
intending it. They could even mean well. Actually, the same thing can happen
with giving comfort. I have one friend who does that every time I talk to her,
and I’m certain she is unaware that she is being like medicine to me.
What did Paul’s fellow workers do to comfort him? The text
does not say but there are a few hints in the rest of this epistle. Chapter one
tells of Paul’s joy to hear about the faith of others. Who told him? No doubt
some of those comforters in his life who were just as delighted to hear the
same news. APPLY: Share with Christians good news about the faith of other Christians.
Pass it on.
Then Paul said he rejoiced in his sufferings for his
readers. He hints at being delighted with fellow workers who shared in his
ministry and very likely in his suffering. They were like-minded and that
harmony of heart was a comfort. If others reject our ideas and mission in life,
and our dedication to that mission, there is no greater loneliness, but when we
are supported and helped, it is like medicine. APPLY: Support and encourage spiritual
leaders and workers. No matter how successful they might seem, Satan constantly
tries to discourage Christians. All of us need the medicine of faithful
Also, Paul’s co-workers were actually alongside him, physically
with him in what he was doing. They did not leave him alone in his efforts or
say “I’ll pray for you” when they could be helping him. Being there is
important. When anyone struggles with a tough job, or with life’s blows and
others show up, those suffering often say, “Thank you for coming.” Having
someone standing at our side is a comfort. APPLY: Be there for people.
A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones. (Proverbs 17:22)
While I can discourage others without intending to do
so, I can do the same with comfort — when I have a joyful heart. This is not my
own doing but fruit from the Holy Spirit. Paul may have used a different word
than the one describing the Holy Spirit, but He is the ultimate Comforter. He gives
God’s people grace and courage to bear burdens, our own and that of others. He
also gives His people a joyful heart and is behind all true support and
APPLY: Be filled with the Spirit. Listen to His prompting
and obey what He says. When I do that, I will have what is needed to be good
medicine and a comfort to others.
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