June 14, 2010

To Live is Christ — one moment at a time

Sometimes the truth of Scripture is experienced like a range of mountains, or an unfolding rose. It can apply to the whole of life, but also the details. I’m not sure I can explain this macro-micro thing. Maybe it can be illustrated.

One example is the Old Testament prophecies concerning the coming Messiah. Read without knowledge of the future, the first coming and the second coming of Christ are not distinct and appears as one event. This is part of the reason that the Jews expected a conquering Savior, not One who would die for their sin, but One who would establish political freedom. As the truth unfolded, it was like the plot of a mystery where the pieces of the story gradually come together at the end, but are a puzzle at first, each clue necessary to the whole thing.

This is the way with spiritual experience also. The truth of God is always there, always true. However, my experience is that He reveals a little at a time, mostly because I cannot bear to know all things at once, or that I am not open to it, or that I simply cannot grasp it.

As it is written: “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him.” (1 Corinthians 2:9)
If God gave me everything I know now back when I first believed, my mind would not and could not grasp most of it. Its importance would be lost to me too, because He generally reveals truth as it is needed. I am most receptive when in a pickle and needing answers. Bible college is great, yet the school of life creates lessons that have greater impact.

Another aspect of this macro-micro concept is that the verse for today has this overall lifelong application described above, but it is also true in each instance of my daily walk. God impressed this on my heart yesterday. I’d prepared a lesson for my Sunday Bible class. Although I’d prayed and agonized over it, I didn’t feel that it was a good lesson. Various stresses throughout the week had taken a toll too. As we drove to the church yesterday morning, I’d never felt so weak, not physically but spiritually. I told my husband this was awful. I could not see how this class would be a blessing to anyone, nor could I teach it. He prayed for me, but the immediate future seemed dark and not very inviting.

When the class started, I told them it had been a tough lesson to prepare and I needed their help. The next hour was astounding. God gave insights to the ladies that blessed all of us. By the end of it, one lady told me that was a marvelous class and she was so glad to be there. As I taught and listened to the women discuss the Scriptures, God also revealed some rich and deep truth that I must take time to explore. Given my earlier sense of weakness, this totally amazed me.

This also illustrates this principle of unfolding, although that is not the right word. The truth of 1 Corinthians 2:9 is for the big picture and the whole of our spiritual experience, but it is also true for the micro-picture of daily life. My eyes cannot see what the future holds, not ten years ahead, not even an hour from now. My ears cannot hear, even if someone says, “God will bless you.” Unless God opens my eyes and ears and puts reality into my heart, I am clueless about the future. Assurance is of God. Lack of it is scary.

My heart is prone to forget the blessings of the past, to forget the faithfulness of God. When I feel as if I am weak, I forget that His power is perfected in weakness. I know that it true, yet when my heart has its door shut, all of this cannot enter.

Yet God enters. He brings in truth, reveals it to me, opens my eyes, gives me understanding. Sometimes He does it with His Word or with insights. Yesterday He did it with the happenings of my life. Again, I am humbled by His grace and in awe of His power. This reality makes me realize once again how much I need Him. He prepares for me a place in heaven that I cannot see or grasp, but He also prepares for me each day blessings that I cannot predict. How marvelous, how wonderful, is the amazing grace and power of God.

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