May 14, 2006

Abundant life

“For if you carefully keep all these commandments which I command you to do — to love the Lord your God, to walk in all His ways, and to hold fast to Him . . . . No man shall be able to stand against you; the Lord your God will put the dread of you and the fear of you upon all the land where you tread, just as He has said to you.” (Deuteronomy 11:22, 25 NKJV)

God sent the people of Israel into foreign territory, promising them land and a nation of their own. They never did get all the land that God had promised. They were not able to fully obey Him and because of that, could not win all their battles and wound up with limited boundaries.

Jesus did not promise me actual land, but He did promise all who believe in Him an “abundant life.” This is not the North American idea of abundance — lots of money and stuff — but more like, “rich, full, a life superior in quantity and quality,” a wonderful, satisfying experience. I can say that He kept this promise to me. However, this abundant life, while not totally dependent on my obedience, is affected by what I do.

My life is full, rich, delightful, even amazing — as long as I am walking with Him. But if I am not, it is still full, but the fullness is a burden, no longer a delight but a resentment. I want to escape it instead of meeting it head on.

The Israelites had to fight for their promised land, but God told them if they obeyed He would put fear into the hearts of their enemies and make the battle an easier win. I don’t have to fight for this abundant life; it is mine because I believe. But I do have to fight against sin and disobedience. I cannot enjoy the life God has given me unless I keep it clean.

The battle against sin is impossible unless I am loving God, walking in His ways and clinging to Him. When I do, there is still a battle, but instead of going it alone or wanting to give up, Jesus somehow makes the battle itself part of the abundance!

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