August 10, 2010

To Live is Christ — aware of the causes

Abraham set about to arrange marriage for his son, Isaac. He sent his servant about 450 miles to find this wife-to-be. She must belong to his family since God forbid marriage those outside their nation and faith. (This was to prevent them being led astray into pagan practices.)

The servant was worried that whomever he found would not be willing to return with him. He was also concerned that he may not find Abraham’s relatives in the first place. However, he went on his way.

When he reached Mesopotamia, he stopped at a well. He asked God, “O LORD God of my master Abraham, please give me success this day, and show kindness to my master Abraham . . . let it be that the young woman to whom I say, ‘Please let down your pitcher that I may drink’ and she says, ‘Drink, and I will also give your camels a drink’ — let her be the one You have appointed for Your servant Isaac. And by this I will know that You have shown kindness to my master.” (Genesis 24:12-14)

Before he finished his prayer, a young woman came, responded to his request for a drink, and offered to draw water for his camels. In no time, the servant found out that her parents were kin to Abraham. They invited the servant into their home. He immediately bowed his head and worshiped, saying, 

Blessed be the Lord God of my master Abraham, who has not forsaken His mercy and His truth toward my master. As for me, being on the way, the Lord led me to the house of my master’s brethren. (Genesis 24:27)
The dictionary defines a “coincidence” as “a remarkable concurrence of events or circumstances without apparent causal connection.” Those who do not know God and who do not pray would call the above described event a coincidence.

Last week, I was having a problem with a quilt design. I didn’t know how to make something work properly. I prayed about it. Later that day, a person I do not know (the spouse of a quilter that I do know) sent me an email. Attached were several photos that this person thought might interest me. One photo showed the solution to the design problem that I was having.


Several times my husband and I become aware of someone with a financial need. One of us will indicate we should help. Without consultation with each other, we decide an amount. When we compare our thoughts, each of us says the same number.


A neighbor tells of one evening after work. She was very tired and wanted to go to bed, but thoughts of a friend kept popping into her mind. She felt as if the Lord wanted her to go to her friend’s house. She resisted because she was exhausted, but the thoughts would not go away. She dressed and went out. The friend and her daughter live together. Both of them are without a sense of smell, but when they opened the door, our neighbor smelled the fumes. The house was full of gas. The fire department later told them that one spark and the house would have exploded had the doors not been opened.


Jesus Christ promised His people an abundant life. Whatever else that means, it includes a life full of coincidences . . . well, that is half true. We experience remarkable concurrences of events and circumstances, but we know the causal connection. Others may not see God at work so the causes are not apparent to them, and we are often surprised at times too. His answers are certain, yet never what we expect. We pray like Abraham’s servant for things that seem impossible or at least unlikely. Then we worship with great joy because He organizes events to answer our prayers.

In the kingdom of God there are no coincidences!

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