July 16, 2006

This is war, not a party

“I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you. However, do not rejoice that the spirits submit to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven” (Luke 10:19, NKJV).

The disciples are excited. Even the demons had to submit to them in Jesus’ name. Jesus affirms the power He has given them, but tells them where to focus concerning their joy.

For me, spiritual warfare involves intense and frequent prayer. I’ve only once rebuked an evil spirit in the name of Jesus face-to-face. While it listened, and left, and never came back, joy was not part of my emotions that day. It was not a fun experience.

Praying is difficult at times also. One person on my list is involved with a witch. Another seems to have several personalities. A third is starving herself. I’ve been praying in Jesus’ name that they would be delivered from these obvious evils, and the more I pray, the more I struggle to be joyful. Maybe I’ll feel more like the disciples when I see the results, but right now this is a battle, not a party.

In the face of these and other spiritual needs in my family and the lives of those on my prayer list, it seems a bit selfish to focus on the fact that my name is written down in heaven. Thinking about what God has done for me only makes me long even more that He would do the same thing for others.

So the battle against the power of the enemy in their lives remains intense. There is no summer break, no relief, and victory seems no where in sight. Without verses like these, I would simply give up or run away. But I am a disciple and believe that Jesus gave me authority over the powers of evil. Further, He will protect me from harm. I really do need to rejoice that I am His child. Without that privilege, no doubt I’d be allied with the other side.

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