July 6, 2018

Red Flags . . .

Flipping channels, I stopped at a program that I normally do not watch. It was one of those ‘women sit around a table and talk’ shows. One of the woman said something that caught my ear. “I learned that my biggest problem was ignoring the red flags in my life.” She said that by doing this, her life went downhill.

I thought about this in terms of how the Holy Spirit convicts me of sin. It isn’t a loud “stop that” or even a middle-sized poke in the ribs, but usually a very small red flag. Many times I’ve not listened.
The verse in today’s devotional is another reminder of God’s red flags. Job said . . .

“I hold fast my righteousness and will not let it go; my heart does not reproach me for any of my days.” (Job 27:6)

In this verse, Job’s righteousness was his life lived in faith and the power of God. He knew that he was a sinner, yet like all who trust the Lord Jesus, his righteousness was a gift from God. More to the point, his heart did not reproach him, meaning his heart did not mock or treat him with contempt. He had a clear conscience, not because he never did anything wrong, but because he paid attention to the red flags.

This red flag story also reminds me of those men and women who stand at the edge of construction and repair sites with a flag to direct traffic away from the work and the workers. Their task is to protect both sides, those in the cars and those on the job. A spiritual red flag does the same thing. It tells me when to keep out of a place where God is at work because I’m not to be involved.

I’ve lots of examples. One major one was when the Lord was at work in my husband’s life to bring him to salvation. I had no idea what was going on, only that God waved a flag telling me to shut up and leave Him to His work. I finally listened and later no one was more surprised than me when hubby experienced redemption and new life in Christ.

Those who ignore red flags may be bent on having their own way or determined that their plans will not get them in trouble. This declares an ‘I know better than God’ attitude. They are ‘control freaks’ and most of us have been there in one way or another.

Another part of Job’s statement is in the context. He is defending himself against his ‘friends’ who are accusing him of some secret sin that supposedly is the reason for his suffering. Job says not and that they do not know what they are talking about. This is the way of red flags — they are not visible to those around me. God is not giving others information so they can attack me. If I ignore the flag and fall into sin, then God may direct someone else to restore me, but before that happens or if that does not happen, He keeps my temptations hidden. This is grace.

Jesus, dear Jesus, life is filled with buzzards flying over my head and evil thoughts banging at the door of my heart. They threaten to drag me into sin, yet I am with Job. I do not want my heart to mock me with any sort of stuff that takes over or any thoughts or actions that try to boot out the righteousness that You have given me. I know You will never leave me or forsake me. I also know that I can hold fast to my righteousness even if I do sin because my sin has already been forgiven! Thank You for the red flags that keep me on the right path and for Your great love that pulls me back whenever I stray.

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