January 17, 2016

Prayers Please

I read the Scriptures today while waiting for boarding calls. I prayed mostly in helplessness waiting for someone to find a wheel chair for my hubby. He had a bad fall about 1 am our time but not in our time zone. Because our flight was so early, we were in a hotel. He fell hard, hitting his head. He may have a concussion. His right foot is black and his forehead is a combo of bruise and skin sandpapered off. This is on top of a raging fever, high pulse, cough, and shakes from a type A flu. He has not had the flu since 1995. He got sick on the 8th and should be well by now, but this is not an ordinary situation. He also has CLL, a blood cancer that ruins immune systems. We are quite aware that CLL does not kill, but whatever he might catch that his body cannot fight could do it.

At one point in the second airport, I prayed for an angel. Within minutes, she showed up, walking right up to me and asking, "Can I help you?" Another angel appeared out of nowhere at our home airport and took us to luggage and through customs. 

We arrived home at 1:30 with joy because our son, another angel, showed up at the gate to drive us to our car in the car park. I took it home, he took his dad and stayed with him in the house while I got a few groceries. It was nearly -20C with a wind. I forgot to turn the heat down in the house when we left -- a good thing. 

Now hubby is in bed. His temp and pulse are down but not normal. I'm almost asleep in my chair, but thankful for God who sustains and a good doctor who will take us without an appointment and follow up what was done in the urgent care center in North Carolina. There is more to this story, but I'm too bushed to fill in the rest of it.


Unknown said...

praying for you and your hubby

Anonymous said...

I read your blog for today and your request for prayer during these difficult days. I will pray for you, the caregiver, that God will grant you peace and comfort and will pray for healing for your husband. Sincerely, Elaine H.

Anonymous said...

Elsie you have our prayers.

Susan Plett

Anonymous said...

Dearest Elsie, many are praying. You are not alone--as you well know:) Stay blessed.

Donna Fawcett

Glynis said...

Elsie, I think you just poured a piece of your heart on the page. Praying your hubby is recovering and you are coping as you sense the presence of Christ.
Hugs. G

Ruth L. Snyder said...

Praying for you and your husband, Elsie!