October 10, 2011

Guard my mouth

The prophet Jeremiah was hated during his years of ministry. He had one servant that stuck by him and one man who pulled him out of a pit. Everyone else tried to shut him up or kill him.

Few Christians in North America can relate to Jeremiah. Our lives are seldom in danger and even if we are disliked, the laws in our land protect us from the physical harm of persecution.

Yet I understand and identify with Jeremiah. No one has thrown me down a well or ripped up my words, but I’ve felt the same confusion and fear as this one who has been called the “weeping” prophet. I’ve had a small taste of rejection because of my faith or my expression of it. I’ve also wondered if God had abandoned me when everyone else seemed to have turned their backs.

God reminded Jeremiah of his initial commission to his prophetic ministry. He’d told him in the beginning that no one would listen, that he would be rejected. When circumstances became difficult, Jeremiah faltered and God spoke.

Therefore thus says the LORD: “If you return, I will restore you, and you shall stand before me. If you utter what is precious, and not what is worthless, you shall be as my mouth. They shall turn to you, but you shall not turn to them. And I will make you to this people a fortified wall of bronze; they will fight against you, but they shall not prevail over you, for I am with you to save you and deliver you, declares the LORD. I will deliver you out of the hand of the wicked, and redeem you from the grasp of the ruthless.” (Jeremiah 15:19–21)
Even as a man of God, Jeremiah could turn away, stop declaring truth from God and be a victim of his enemies. To avoid that, he needed to stay close to God and allow the Lord to continually refresh and restore Him. This is one reason for having daily devotions. I need daily power to stand before God. Without His Word to me, I’m side-tracked at the least and overcome at the worst.

Jeremiah also needed to say precious truth, not utter worthless words. God wanted to use his mouth, but he had to cooperate. Paul wrote the same command in the New Testament. 

Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear. (Ephesians 4:29)
if I want to be a mouthpiece for God, then I must watch my mouth. Worthless chatter is just as contrary to His speech as coarse talk and filthy language. When I open my mouth, He wants me to say things that build the faith of others in a suitable way. Grace, amazingly, is imparted through words. The unconditional love of God can be conveyed by how I talk. If I want God to use me, then idle speech must give way to precious words.

Some people don’t like to hear spiritual truth. Sometimes God wants me to say it in gentleness and use words that are gentle. On other occasions, I must speak firmly and perhaps become that fortified wall that others resist. Fear can keep me from doing this, but God told Jeremiah that He would deliver him from those who fought against him. Jeremiah suffered but God protected him. I can claim the same promise . . . as long as my words are precious and not worthless.

Of course my life and ministry are not even close to that of Jeremiah or any other of God’s prophets. I teach a Sunday class. Almost all who attend it are on the same page in their desire to serve God. Seldom does anyone come in with a personal agenda and a mean-spirited desire to prevail over me or spiritual truth. However, when that happens, I have God’s promises. He tells me to stand before Him and utter words of value. He will take care of those who do not like what I am doing.

Father, I’m always amazed at Your power to protect those who are bold and stand for You. The prophets of the Old Testament and the faithful disciples of the New Testament (and beyond) have met opposition, yet You deliver all from the hand of evil and ruthless people. This deliverance can be literal in this life, or it could mean removal from their presence into Your eternal realm. Either way, no enemy or person who hates truth can prevail over Your people when we stay close to You and do what You tell us to do. No one can separate us from Your love. Thank You for this reminder to watch what I say — and for Your promise to continually save and deliver me.

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