September 18, 2010

To Live is Christ — renewed day by day

Sometimes fatigue is not about a lack of sleep. Sometimes I feel worn out from the same old, same old. Sometimes I’ve been working on a project that seems to have no end. Sometimes I’ve prayed for an issue for years and seen no answer. Sometimes I’m tired and have no clue why I feel so blah.
But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint. (Isaiah 40:31)
Yesterday morning, my usual prayer time took an unexpected turn. God showed me something about my way of thinking that was not pleasing to Him. It was an assumption, a false idea that I’d had concerning a long-ago life circumstance. I’d unconsciously carried this notion without realizing its significance to my well-being.

When He brought this to mind, I could see that it was not a biblical way to think, so confessed it. I’ve learned that is the only way to get rid of anything that does not please God. Then He reminded me of how I should be thinking, which was more good news. At that point, I began to feel lighter, more energetic. I had no idea that one negative thought carried about for a long time could rob me of energy.

Later in the day, He used another situation to show me another energy thief. Our granddaughter came over to review a quilt I am making for her. She was so excited, taking pictures and emailing them to her friends. That in itself was a boost, but He had more to show me.

While she was here, she said, “Grandma, I want you to make in advance quilts for the children I plan to have.” (She is 19.) When asked how many, she said she would like four, three boys and a girl. But of course the quilts could not be pink and blue, but generic baby quilts. She is totally nontraditional.

After that, she said, “And I want four more quilts too, for when they are grown up.”

Suddenly I felt as if I were 10-20 years younger. I’d waited on the Lord and He was renewing my strength because — without realizing it —  I was letting my age make me feel old, and tired, and worn out.

My dad used to say that age is relative. He said, “A two-year-old can be a horse, or a man, or an egg.”

He was right. Thinking young changes a person’s energy levels. God used my granddaughter to give me encouragement. I might not live long enough to make those eight quilts, but just having her ask me to do it — with the wonderful confidence of youth — renewed my strength!

Thank You, Lord. You know how much of a ‘duh’ I can be, yet You are always incredibly gracious and full of surprises.

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