November 30, 2008


Because my husband has CLL (Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia), and because of his entirely unexpected heart attack a year and a half ago, I sometimes think about the unpleasant possibility of living alone. Aside from aloneness and missing him and our companionship, many things would have to change. For instance, in a practical sense I am not able to take care of our yard by myself. Other chores on top of that would be difficult burdens, such as keeping household finances in order and tending to vehicle maintenance.

Occasionally he asks me to do something that he normally does, or shows me how he is doing a particular task. I realize that in this he is thinking also of the possibilities for my future and taking care of me. This is like Jesus.

This morning’s devotional verses remind me of the way God thinks ahead. When Jesus died for our sin and rose again, His saving work didn’t stop there. Hebrews 7:24-25 say, “But He, because He continues forever, has an unchangeable priesthood. Therefore He is also able to save to the uttermost those who come to God through Him, since He always lives to make intercession for them.

God knew that even those who come to Him for salvation need further intercession for sin, simply because that salvation experience does not eradicate it. Because we also live in the flesh, and even though the Spirit wrestles with that flesh, we continue to sin. My sinful habits should and do diminish as I age, but until I step into eternity, I will not be sinless. Yet Jesus knows this and sticks with me as one who saves to the uttermost.

Some think that Jesus died so we are released from past sin and given the power to earn our salvation. That is, now that I’m saved, I don’t need His saving power. Not so. Galatians makes it clear that what is begun in the Spirit cannot be completed apart from the Spirit. God’s saving work happens in an instant, yet continues over time. I was saved from sin from sin’s penalty, am being saved from sin’s power, and look forward to that day when I will be saved from its presence.

In the meantime, God provides. Jesus lives forever to intercede for me and for every person who has put their faith in Him. This covers the first soul who trusted God’s Old Testament promises, to the last soul who turns to Him before this world is judged. He takes total care of every spiritual need, past, present and future, for every generation who know and love Him.

I know that the Bible promises His care for the physical future too. When I think about the possibility of being without my husband, I feel great emotion, but it is not fear, only sorrow. Yet Jesus is faithful and His plan includes caring for His people, from the beginning of my salvation to the end of my life here, and on into eternity. In Him there is great hope and assurance.


darien said...

that, my friend, was a very powerful post!

Elsie Montgomery said...

Praise God - and may He bless you powerfully. We have such a mighty and loving mutual Friend!