July 6, 2008

The Family Tree

Yesterday and today we are at a family reunion of those from my father’s side. The gathering is not as large as it has been in past years. Several cousins could not be here for various reasons. My sister and one brother are absent and none of our children came.

However those who could be here all say we wish we could do it more often than once every five years or so. In years past, our parents were part of our gathering. Now all but one of that generation is gone. As for those who are left, the oldest is around 70, the youngest in diapers.

This family has an uncommon link. My father was one of six. He and his siblings married and grew up in the same community or within a short distance. These families farmed together, celebrated holidays together, and the cousins (around 16 of us) grew up together. As we review our history, and look through our photo albums, we feel a sense of solidarity that some families do not have. One of the little girls found out that I printed out a family tree and is anxious to see it today. From her, it goes back seven generations.

The Scripture I read this morning reminds me that the family of God has a longer and even more incredible history which also gives those in it a sense of solidarity. Because of our “family tree” we are strong and close to one another. In my physical family, some also belong to this spiritual family, giving us a ‘double-bond’ that is truly special.

The verses are 1 Peter 1:20-21: “He (Jesus) indeed was foreordained before the foundation of the world, but was manifest in these last times for you who through Him believe in God, who raised Him from the dead and gave Him glory, so that your faith and hope are in God.

Jesus, the common denominator of the Christian family, is the eternal Son of God who, in the plan of God, has always been designated as our Savior and the One who would be the leader and hope of those who believe in Him. That this was planned before the world began gives us a sense of permanence. The world is constantly changing, but Jesus is our anchor, our link to one another and our eternal hope. He is at the top of the Christian family tree.

As our family shares our heritage and our memories this weekend, I’m so glad that some of us can honor the Lord with our faith and share in the assurance that as the years go by, we will not only be kin here on earth, but brothers and sisters in Christ forever in eternity.

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